Friday, March 19, 2010

♥ Love♥

Im sorry grandpa..Besides sorry i really duno wat else can i say..I knew i have hurt you..And maybe you are angry now..But i really shame to attend for tat dinner..I dont think u should treat me,coz in fact,im really not gud compare to him..

I know tat im so wrong to let u tis old man sitting there n wait for me..Just for a dinner =(..Though i told mummy passed the msg to you..It doesn't work as wat i expected..At last,i called you too..And i promised to date you tis sunday..

Im stupid >.<..When i talking bout sunday..The feeling was just so weird,i felt like i got sth to do on tat day..Working??NO...I just couldnt remember wat isit..Once v said bye bye,it cames to my mind..OHhhh..Its jun yuan..I promised him to go out wif them on tat day..

Im such a forgetful n careless person..How can i?The dinner postpone again?I hoped so..But daddy told me the dinner was cancelled!And you were angry >.<...Im sorry...Maybe most of ur anger is cause by disappointment..I shoud understand and know ur feeling more..=(

Im touch tat u treat me so good..The reward u gave me is just...I never expect so much of them..When daddy told me,i stunned for while coz i couldnt believe tat..Im really touch T.T..You have showered me wif your loves and cares all the way i grew..I did appreciate ^^..

Maybe i should'nt think so much and go for the dinner..Just treat it like a normal dinner but not special for mine..Now,i goin to date you on monday..And its my bill^^..The 1st meal i treat you wif my salary..Hope you wont angry anymore oh..Sayang sayang~~

I love you,my grandpa..I promise tat i wont let u down..And i enjoy being the youngest,which you sayang the most =p..Stay healthy and happy oways..Do take k of urself too,kay?Muacksss

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today went and laser..Cant imagine wat will happen in next 5 days..Will it be gud??Or it will turn bad??I dare not to think much,just can sit down here and wait for the result..

When lying on the bed,my heart is really beating fast..Coz its really scary..When the needle touching my skin,there's firework someore..And the smell is just like my skin is burning (same as the smell when i kill the bees wif electricity) >.<..Luckily yieng is beside me for me to hold..Maybe she will feel pain..Haha^^ Now wat i hav to do is being alert and remind myself all the time..If not i think i will regret for the rest of my life..Haha..Sounds bit serious rite??But its true.. Besides,im desperate to see you..Im really hope tat im beside you right now..I hope to hear from you..Mayb i couldnt lend you any help,but i can be a good listener..The one you can rely on and be yourself..You nonid to act infront of me..When you are down,im ready to lend u my shoulder..When you are happy,im happy too=p.. I just wan to let you noe tat u are not alone..And,im worry bout you>.<..Just let me know when you nid me kay?And please,dun keep all to urself..You look stress and down..I hope to see the optimistic and cheerful you at those days again..Love you..

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Miss ♥ ♥ ♥~~

I dont know why i miss YOU so much right now..Suddenly all the memories like tv programmes,showing 1 by 1 in my brain..We do hav a lot of memories..Still remember the time we share our laughter,sadness,anger together..No matter wat happen,we are the one sticking together all the times..

I really miss high skul's life..If there's a chance,i will definitely stay ther again..Bcoz,i hav YOU with me..The days we copy homeworks 2gether..Chit chat from 7.30 till skul finish,And continue chatting during tuition,sms and msn...Ponteng together and form a rombongan toilet..Our beloved Repunzel show..And a lot a lot a lot more..Arhhh...I miss those time very very much,really i do..>.<

Coz we hav no secrets at all at tat time..And we know each other,not onli the appearance,but the deepest side hiding in the heart..But now,we dont chat as much as those days..Every1 is busying wif our own life..Im sorry..Really sorry tat im not with u when u are down and having so much problems with u.. I promise!!I swear!!YOU are really important in my life..I told YOU,i cant imagine my life without YOU..So,remember our promise at those days..Its not onli for those days,but forever..I MISS YOU ♥ ♥ ♥~~~~~~~~~~~*Hugzzs*
Long long time ago =p

Ing forever~muacksss

Luv YOU~~=3

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Birthday~~

Happy Brthday Kai Wei~~Hope u enjoy today ya^^..TOday went a lot of places actually..1st,v went sg wang's sasa n bought the present..Then rush to low yat n sing k..wee~~~not bad ya,coz its quite cheap..XD

After 3 hours of singing and shouting,every1 was actually there's no buffet or any food included in the package..sob sob..So,we went to pavillion and hav our 'brunchner'(breakfast + lunch + dinner)..=)

Well,Ichiban is really a nice restaurant..really finger licking one..Especially the curry..Though is my 1st time eating there,i edy fall in love with it..Yummy~~~ Now i can noe why it named as Ichiban..Lol

Dang dang dang dang~~Its time to sing bday song..But theres is no cake for him,just donuts=p...He still happy though coz can get a lot of presnts from us..Haha..As usual,we do snap a lot of pics ^^

After tat,v seperated to 2 gang coz me,jean,wen feiy and moo hav watched alice in wonderland..So v shopped for while and went back home..The funny part was they dun even remember wher they parked..We walked here n there for half an hour for searching the car >.<..Finally,v found it..Phewww~~ I'm so happy tat there's sum1 else who is more lu chi than me..Haha,i tot im the onli 1 in tis world,but i found my fren..Hohoho..Sorry moo~~=p Coz he really cant recognise the direction well..And the way he drove is just funny n cute..All of us laughing non stop in his car..Luckily,v do reached home safety..Hehe,thanks for being our driver ya.. Wai Wai ah..Here i wish u hav a sweet n wonderful 18th ya~Hope u really enjoy n appreciate wat v did la..HAPPY BUFFDAY OH~~~~~~~~XD

me and Buffday boi^^

Buffday boi wif his present..Can see tat he is vert excited =p

Monday, March 15, 2010

Stupid cupboard!!

Arhhh~~stupid cupboard!!I really duno how many times u wan to drop..This is the 5th times in tis week d..Im really pissed with u!!

I was in a good mood choosing wat to wear 2molo..But out of sudden,*pang pang*,the whole tiang to hang my clothes drop again..I force to hang all the clothes bak and they are really HEAVY!! Its okay,i noe its my fault coz i busybody go hang in all the clothes which i took out last time..

When i almost done 80%..*pang pang*,the thing dropped again...Arhhhhhhhh~~~~~~Thats the 6th time..Im almost burst to cry..Its just too annoying!Im exhausted @.@...30% of the clothes hav now sleeping on my floor coz i dun wanna watch the 3rd time in the same day *faint*

Hey cupboard,this is the last warning!!Dont force me to pack all the clothes and recycle if u dare to drop AGAIN!!I will let u know the feeling of loneliness without all the clothes be with u..

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Thanks my lovely sis,calvinz and nicholes for staying wif me for the whole day in edu fair...I knew you all were bored..Hehe,thankieww so so so much~~I tot today i went will be end up like last time too,didnt know anything,just bring all the broucher home and recycle..*evil smile*

At 1st i tot of studying pr or food science and nutrition...When i walked around and asked,i found tat my interest in food science n nutrition is not really strong..I cant imagine my life sitting in lab and study everyday..It would be suffer n bored to me..And 1 thing tat was really funny was,the consultant can really see wat am i interested to..She said tat,from ur look i can noe u like mass communication more than wat food science and nutrition...XD She is just so smart..Haha..

Yea..tats sound true..My interest to pr is stronger than any others..Just tat,every1 asked me not to study pr,but a professional course like doctor,pharmacyst......Tats why i swayed..But,now i hav found my way...Now onli i noe pr is not as easy as wat i tot..Pr actually is also a professional course and play an important role..Just tat v din realise..

HMmm..Im happy tat its under a professional course..but i found tat its really tough n challenging..I hope i can encounter all the problems..But i just like it..What to do??Haha..cant wait to study n see how challenging it is..ngek ngek ngek~~

Another things tat im happy is bcoz i can get full scholarship...woohoooo~~100% man...really feel great to study without paying..Daddy n mummy feel happy too..Can see their face,smile till canot see their eyes..Weeee~~~happy to see tat^^..But of coz i hav to maintain my result..If not my scholar bye bye..Its bit tough though,but nothing is easy rite??Hehe

Now,im ready to become a pr..cant wait to start my coll..Im just too excited..=p But im oso afraid of 1st day,the day which hav to stay alone,no fren,no dear,no dude...Hope tat i can get to noe some frens ther...Gambateh n good luck~^^

Friday, March 12, 2010

Complicated feeling~

Well,finally i create this took me more than half an hour bcoz im stupid XD...Hoho,1st thing tat i feel great is bcoz ing hav finally gathered over so sorry to my dear,u all hav waited me for so long..soweee~~ i was quite upset and moody actually..Bout study,future,choosing course and.....However,after hav some talks wif fren,i feel good now..moody gone..shoo shoo..=p I'm happy tat when i'm moody n upset,my fren are at my sides supporting me n comforting me..awww~~tats sweet enuf for me..i do appreciate our frenship..*wink*

Is 18 good??Im still wondering though..For me,i would say its a big challenge n difference.. Everything is just so different tat i hav to do my own decision n there's no one who arrange for me..I hav to grow up n being responsible for the choice i made..gambateh ying!!I will hav a clear mind soon..Thats wat i believe ^^