Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Nice Day ^^

Yesterday went for Min Zhuo's birthday celebration and primary school gathering at Secret Recipe,Desa Park around 4p.m..This was the 1st gathering after we graduated,and we did not meet each other for 5 years edy..Of coz everyone bcum leng lui and leng zai d..And we did chit chat a lot~~~^^
Let's picture to do the talking part~XD

Dadaaa~~~Min Zhuo,the birthday boy =p...The birthday cake is so

All gals with birthday boi~^^
All guys with birthday boi~~Only 5 ^^

Group photo for sure~^^
Sisterssssssss~~~ ^w^
Gay of the day~~ =p
Again,they post like couple..LOL XD
Me and Min Zhuo ~^^
Group photo with Wan Teng..We met her when we goin to leave~^^
Me and Hui Yuin~^^
Me and Mei Ling~^^
Me and Yun Jie~^^
We went for next round..Steamboat at metro^^

Yuuummmm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cha??? LOL

Group photo again~It's really a nice gathering..Have fun with u all ^^

After our dinner,we went for garden to continue chit chatting..However,I couldn't make it coz had movie (GU Wak Zai) with bro n sis..They bought my ticket edy..When i was watching, i received text fron Wen Hao..They paid a visit to Teacher Loi's house too..Awwwwwwwww~~~ I miss her so much..Im assure that she had surprise from them and happy to see them too..^^

Though we had our gathering after 5 years,but it was a noisy one..We still love each other =p .. I'm glad that our friendship is still the same,as pure as us at those days^^...Friendship is really mysterious..Once we have each other in our heart,it will not fade away no matter how far we stay,how long we didn't meet ^^..This gathering is really awesome!!! It makes me excited for some time and i'm looking forward for the next gathering..6M is really rocks!!!! I LOVE You Guys~~Muacksssss =3

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm darn sick!! My head goin to crack edy!!I have serious headache n fever..Gosh... i have the same feeling like "shun mm hong",the monkey,when his sifu punish him..The pain can really make me tumble here and there..And i feel like puke T.T I hate cigarette!!!!!!!!!! Once i smelt,it increases my sufferance...It does make me have a thought that,will i get cancer?Tough wood!! But duno why i have this notion these days.. I hope that i think too much, and what i suffer right now is all caused by my menstrual..Or, its just a normal ill..After few more days, i can say bye bye to all da ailment ,be strong and healthy again..

Well,notwithstanding im sick,my life still have to go on..Have to wake up early in the morning to go for classes, Squeezing my brain juice to get idea for assignment and etc..Everything will be all right..Thats what i believe ^^..Sumtimes,we just hav to cheer ourselves,and enjoy the moment when we are really busy..It's just a different types of entertainment..Depends on how we judge it..Happy goes lucky ma XD

Congratulation to my sis who pass all her exam and graduate for diploma..Wish you all the best in advanced diploma..
Congratulation to my bro oso,who finally graduate for diploma and change a new job..A better and brighter future one..Good luck to u ^^
My cheer to max who are really down..You have tried ur best,and it's okay..Don't giv up and gud luck for the coming one..Gambateh!
I have my hair cut today,and i pretty like it =)

And the exciting and surprise one is.......My dear chyng is cuming bak nex thurs!!!Can't wait for tat day ^w^

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What A Day..

Today was my 1st day having lecture in college =p...Unfortunately, it started at 8am.. Ewwwwww ~.~ Seriously,I dun like morning class.. It's so hard for me to climb out from my warmly blanket and left my lovely bed..Bcoz i slept very late the previous nite,had a nice and fun chatting session XD ...

When i got myself ready and done for everyting ,i left.. The irritating part was i canot start my engine, even the key oso canot turn =.= 1st time facing this problem.. I woke daddy up and checked for me..And he taught me the way to start engine when facing this kind of situation.. Well, i dun hav the patience to listen for his explanation and every single words at that moment bcoz im goin to be late..Im sorry,daddy..

Facing the car's problem early in the morning had disturbed my mood..When i saw the red light blinking blinking, showing that i goin to run out of petrol + a little bit traffic jam........ It made me mad,indeed.. I really have to blame my brother for using the car,but not FEEDING him..Hmph!

Thanks god i could reach college.. Today's lecture was quite okay for me.. Lecturer were quite humor and better than what i expected.. Miss Chai,who taught me IT made me laughed a lot because of her lame jokes^^ .. LOL.. What will happen when google meet apple?? Every1 was thinking so hard to guess sth bout IT..And came out with answers like Goople?? Out of expectation, the answer is Google will eat Apple because an Apple a day,keeps the doctor away..
Omg! every1 was really,=.= sweat ..

Haha,i do believe the class will be fun since i hav a good lecturer.. At least you dont make me sleep =p.. Besides, those guys sitting behind my roll today were funny,indeed.. I dont know how to explain by words.. I dont know them, just talked 1 or 2 sentences today..And the onli word to descride them besides funny,it's still funny.. And i love you gals, Xuan,Wan Teng,Wai King and Bowie..We are the 5 gals who sit together nowadays ^^

My lovely college, i have high hopes to you.. Hope you wont let me down..And, i know you wont!! XD

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Recent Me =p

Euuuuuuuuwwww~~~Its darn hot!!I seriosly have no idea what happen with the weather these days @.@ ...It not onli makes me sweating like pig,but get emo easy too..I hate it >.<..But what to do??Switching on the air-cond??I hope so..But this is definitely a NO NO..It will onli cause the global warming problems getting worse and worst.. I hope i can live longer than 2012 XD

Let's talk bout the recent me =p...Finally im a college student..LOL..Last week was my orientation week..And of coz, i drove myself to coll everyday when there're classes..Hmmmmm..honestly,i dont have any special feeling towards my coll life yet..Haha..Just that......driving alone is bored,indeed.. And im squeezing my brain juice everyday,to find out where's the classes..And of coz, i do miss my frensss a lot..I believe that every1 has the same feeling as me when came across this..Coz, everyone,everything,everywhere is just so different and strange to us..We need time for adjustment ^^

Not much story bout college bcoz it's just an orientation..Will find out more after i start my classes..Now,i onli know that im belong to B10,which is the last group in my course and it's onli 17 ppl...All galsss..Haha,i used to be in the last group since im born =p Who ask my sir name is YAP choice lo XD Hehe,and and and and and im glad that i hava a nice timetable..Onli go for classes 4 days a week..Hohohohoho..Sumore gt 1 day is onli 1 hour class..ngek ngek..Hopefully there's will be no changes for my timetable ba..^^

Haha...And i would like to apologise to GFU..Really sorry eh,made you drove on the emergency lane and got saman..Though i felt remorse, i duno y i'm still laughing ^^.. Maybe i'm delighted to cause troubles for you always.. Lol,what a evil thought..

Not to forget to say that im game @.@ ..... I'm playing nightclub city crazily, recently..I started playing 2 days ago onli..And now im level 20..ngek ngek ngek.. Haiz,i think my bro is the 1 who make me sitting in front the monitor day and night to play this game>.<..Coz we competing with each other right now..Quite lame lor..But duno y im still playing..Haha =p.. I sked i will bcum blind one day,just bcoz of on9 too much T.T....*touching wood*... God blesssssss..I want gud eye sight..Yes!! It's me,Yap Yee Yin! I know YOU can hear me =p

I Miss You More Than Words Can Say,My Friendssss~

My Sincere Apology 2 You..Sorrryyyy~~ (Very cute =p)

This is the game ^^

This Is How My Club Looks Like XD

Happy Teachers Day to My Lovely Teachersss~~ Nearly forget today is teachers day =p

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yum Cha~♥

Im happy today!!!After waited for months and months,finally i got to hang out wit my ji mui- shu yi and qian~Really really long time din hang out wit you 2 edy..Not to say hang out,even meet also we din meet for thousand years~Bcoz of sum1 oways ffk..Hohoho..Miss you 2 crazily~~^^

Though just few hours' yum cha..We do have lots of fun..Especially when shu yi scolded the waiter that gave us a written order list beside my ear.. He heard that and gave us a new one..She was so shock and yet,fishy (wondering how he heard tat) XD..We laughed like hell..

We updated each other..And the funny part was we had to update shu yi for things and stuffs that happened around us for 2 years~^^ You are old and outdated edy..*joke joke* Besides,we did gossip a lot..Just like what gals would normally do..That's the word 8 po came from XD

Hehe,i really feel sweet ♥~~Though long time din meet and chat to each other,our friendship is still the same,sweet and warm as at those days ^^...Can't wait for the next outing..I'm sure it will be a sweet one,too..=p

I believe that friendship will be forever,if we do appreciate it..And im lucky enough to have so many frens around me that treat me with their hearts..It's my pleasure and my treasure..=) Awwww~~~Love you guys...Muackssssss + Hugzzzzsssss

My dearest jie-Shu Yi

My dear- Qian

A Simple Farewell for Important YOUss~♥

Finally,after a long long holiday,everyone of us goin to start our new life..Congratulation to chyng,hao yu and jia chi who are lucky enough to go for matrix~^^We had a small farewell party for them..Though not all the murnian present,as usual,the active 1 were all there..Maybe it's just enough for me,and im satisfied~=)

Not to forget to apologize to hao yu..Im really sorry la..Forgot to text you nonid to fetch me..Made you waited for so long in front of my house..keke..Soweee~~~~And thanks to raymond for waiting me to reach home and being late..Coz i went for mother's day celebration ma~=p

I'm busy for da whole day..Rushing here and there,to get ready the materials for chyng's present..And it was my 1st time driving ALONE and go for so many places^^..Ling also rushing back from coll..We were rushing all the way to get the album done bcoz it's really really last minute..So the conclusion was we were rushing and it's tiring..But it's worth n sweet~~♥ Your smile and tears warmed us and recharged our energy^^..

Take care my chyng..Don't ever forget our promises kay?When you miss us,just take out the album and have a look..Im sure tat you will feel sweet and warm..I think you are in Perak d..Hope you will use to the life there,without ING..We are here waiting for you to come back and reunion~^^

All the best to hao yu and jia chi oso..Don't yai yai and kao lui there ya..keke XD..Good bye my frenss..Take care ya~~Will miss you all so so much =) *wink*

Part of the album~ING,our friendship for the whole life~♥