Monday, June 21, 2010

rest in peace,granny~

At last, my granny passed away on saturday, 3.40 in the evening. I still remember her last breath and how she ends her life. I really canot accept the fact though i knew it will happen soon.

Today is the 2nd day of funeral..and everyone is tired indeed because lack of sleep. We have to take turns watching the candle so that it can replace on time and wont distinguish. Staying in the middle of night, singing the A Mi Tuo Fo, doing the 'money' for my granny and burning the 'money' have become our activity to keep ourselves staying awake. And i have no idea to rush for my assignment at this time, coz i cant go for college for a week, and i have to hand them on time. Test on Wed? I got no idea what the tutor will say.

There's praying sections in the funeral.. And it started around 6 and ended at 11. I duno what to say bout the praying section. Besides crying, still crying. 2molo my uncle and 2 aunt will reach Malaysia and all the relatives will join us for the praying section at night too. I dare not to imagine what will happen on that time. Just try my best to control myself and my tears.

My dearest granny, I wish you rest in peace. Grandpa has met you and brings you along with him i guess. I miss you, seriously.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stay S.T.R.O.N.G

My uncle and auntie from US will be cuming bak on tis cuming Sun and Tues.. Well, it shud be a blast since they didnt come back for years edy.. But, tis time the condition is totally different.. The atmosphere is not a happy one.. Coz daddy ask them to back in no time to hav a look of my grandma.. She is really really weak..>.<

Two days ago, her eyes getting smaller n smaller, and her face getting smaller n smaller.. And now, she kept her eyes close all the time.. And she refuse to eat.. and drink.. I'm worry,indeed.. Grandma, please be strong kay? And i hope u will guai guai eat and drink.. If you dont eat n drink, you will getting weaker n weaker.. All of us worry u so much u noe? And uncle and auntie are cuming back.. Your lovely sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters are cuming bak.. You must stay strong and get well soon kay?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

No next time!!!!!

I hav done the biggest mistakes in my life.. And now,im pretty regret.. But it was passed, i can do nothing right now, but make it as a reminder.. I will be more careful nex tim.. And will control myself..

As i said,tis is the 1st time.. And also the last time.. Coz it's really painful and i hav hard time.. The worst part was i duno wat hav i done or..the other way round..

Yap Yee Yin!!!!Please bear in mind!!!!

1 year anniversary ^^

Today is my dear ling n his hubby xiao hung de 1 year anniversary oh.. Feel happy for them.. Remember to stay sweet sweet ya.. Still remember the time u 2 being together was during forum.. And i guess you 2 hav great time ther^^..

Now is the 1st anniversary.. but i looking forward the 2nd year..3rd year..4th year..............^^ Wish u 2 all da best ya.. The craziest and 38-est couple in tis world =p

I personally like tis very much~^^

God Bless~~~

My granny is staying in hospital right now.. She stayed ther since fri nite.. What i heard was she couldn't give any respond tat nite.. Duno how to talk, how to eat, how to walk... Coz im not at home, i duno wat was happening..

She was admitted to ICU in Sentosa due to her over high blood pressure and high diabetes.. And my sister told me that we were charged for 5 thousand, just for deposit.. Private hospital wat.. The price is like tat de la.. Luckily she was quite okay and now staying in the normal room..

Hope she will recover soon and god bless her..

A Big Thank You

I would like to say thank you to B.H.P... Really really really thanks.. It's really a long journey and it tooks you more than 2 hours to travell.. And thank you to Dino for guiding the way..

Thanks for the explanation also.. It really a useful one and finally i understand it.. Haha,at 1st i tot you will be confused by me.. Who noe you still can clear up your mind.. Really smart huh..^^ You gt talent in bcuming a tutor =)..

And let me do the paying part nex tim okay? I owe you guys too much.. And you guys are funny.. Really out of my expectation.. Lol...

B10 rocks!!!

B10 is my tutorial group,which is the onli galsssssss group^^..At 1st ther's a guy in this class,but then he transfers to B1 for some reasons..Mayb sked by all of us=p.. Kakakakakaa... It's already week 3 and it goin to end very very soon..Time to welcome week 4.. Time does fly,indeed..And im getting busy n busier though..

Week 5- HE assignment
Week 6- Mass Comm assignment,HE test
Week 7- IT assignment, HE presentation
Week 8- Media assignment, Media presentation, IT presentation
Week 9- IT presentatin

As i noe, week 6 n 7 will having midterm n mid of august will having my final d..And what i can onli say is i get stuck in my studies..Especially having difficulties in understanding the notes and doin assignments..Tutor/Lecturer just throw us a paper with the assignment title,and date to hand in..Ther's no any guidance..But a sentence'Explore Yourself".. Well,i noe tat i shud b more independent since the 1st step i stepping in college life..Its okay, just work harder,and harder ba^^.. Take it as challenges in my life..

After those sad case.. Lets talk the happy part=p...Weeeeeeeeeeeee~~~ At 1st i tot my class will be boring since every1 is so quiet..BUT...Ther's oways exception and miracle..After our 1st tutorial,every1 of us getting noisy n noisier.. We can just chit-chatting for watever topic..This is so call GALSSSSSS..We are born to be talkative when we meet each other=).. We even bully our HE tutor together.. Not only late for class, went pee pee whole group once we entered da class and left earlier..Lol..Pity him.. No choice la,we got classes b4 and after his oso ma.. And he is the onli kind 1 tat we dare to bully=p.. Sounds reasonable huh?

Haha.. And we do take a lot of picha x).. Feel sweet and happy at tis moment.. I love you gals pretty much..B10 is really rocksssss!!!

All galssssssss~~<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">During discussion~=)
Me and Sophia..The Go Mui =p
Me.Sophia.Wai Keng.Carmen
Sophia-Briven-Yee Yin-Wai Keng-Carmen
Choo choo train~=p
Stand up high~~^^
Actually im not tat short 1 lo..>.<