Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hang Over with Love ♥♥♥!!!!

Time seriously flies.. It has come to the final semester of my diploma life.. Frankly speaking, all the ups and downs with B10 are memorable... That's why knowing that we gonna separate and walk own's paths soon, it's really heart tearing ='( 

From stranger to course mates, course mate to classmate, classmate to friends, and even intimate... Being together is all our fate..  we can hardly find a true friend in college as your so called true friend who will treat you sincerely can only be found in secondary school.. But....who say so????

Alas!!! I'm really blessed!! Not to say that i have a bunch of lovely secondary school friends, i even have a bunch of bestieesss that can mingled with- my B10 classmates... They are really awesome and fantabulous!!!! Well, you can only understand if you are one of them =p

Rushing assignments has become part of the college life which we can hardly run away i guess.. Especially those who like to burn last minute candles like us---errrheermm.. (rotting in guilt) As time goes, staying over and rush together has become our culture and practice too XD It makes me remember of the "swim and sink  together" again.. This sentence has best described us!!!

My babe girls Joyce and Sophia have come over my house to stay over from last Wednesday to rush few of the deadlines.. (This is not the first time for them to stay here, but the first time they stayed for so long!!! =p) Though we don't really sleep, with additional 2 babe girls staying in my room is real sweet!!! I cant describe my feeling with words, but it feels awesomely good!!! We sleep together, eat together, laugh-out-loud together, teasing each other, overslept and late to class due to deprivation of sleep and do all kinds of stupid stuffs... I really can't believe i can have such a good relationship with my classmates!! I love you girls more than i can say, seriously i do!!! 

Hmmmm... the pictures below supposingly meant to be kept privately and not exposed to public due-to-the-ugliness.. But i can't stand for the urge to update my blog with them coz the memories keep flashing in my head.. I started to miss my babe girls already T__T 

             the sweet moment 

               We ugly, but we happy =p

  Pretended to sleep? NO~~Just becoz we miss sleeping too much XD

       The sweety pie 

              And the syok-sendiri one =p

I can still remember one of the essays i written last time which encompassed sentence as such " Words begins with A,B,C.. Numbers begin with 1,2,3.. Music begins with Do, Re, Mi.. But friendship begins with YOU and ME!" 

My dearest... it's not easy for us to walk through all the obstacles and be with each other.. It requires a strong connection of one's heart and another to keep us stay, supporting, cheering, swim and sink together all these while.. Our story has a awesomely good opening, which i hope it will never have an ending 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

12天终于过去了。。今天是最后一天, 也是最闷热的一天。。热的我几乎昏了过去。。也许不能怪那店没有风扇, 只能怪自己心里压力把自己压得喘不过气吧。。

回想起所有所有的一切, 我真的累了。。被人误解和不被了解真的很不好受。。我自问自己很坚强, 什么事都笑笑而过,咬着牙关挨过去, 没什么大不了的。。长大了,已经没那么执著,学会把事情看得没那么重了。。 其实, 并不是自己真的长大, 而是不能不长大。

今天谈着谈着, 眼眶都湿了, 强忍着眼泪, 告诉自己在工作, 不能哭, 把眼泪统统都吞到肚子里, 对着老板强颜欢笑, 好像没事一样。。 可是,我多么想就这样蹲下, 抱着自己大哭一场。。其实, 表面多么坚强, 多么快乐的人, 内心也隐藏着一些不可告人的秘密。。坚强久了, 真的还是会累的。。

什么都不管了, 头真的很疼。。告诉自己, 哭过就好了。。

Friday, April 6, 2012

Everything is gonna be alright?

真的是这样吗? 一直以来坚信着一切都会过去, 未来都会变得美好的。
可是, 随着年龄的增长, 才发现世界并非想像中那么的顺心如意, 那么的美好。
很多事情都事与愿违, 不管有多大的勇气, 多么的努力, 结果, 还是原来的结果,
有时候, 反而变得更糟糕, 而糟糕的程度也无法想像。

就算再天真, 活泼, 开朗,坚强的孩子, 当面临无数的失败, 一次又一次

一切, 真的会过去, 真的会变美好吗?

Thursday, April 5, 2012
