Monday, July 12, 2010

Specially for chyng and fred~~

Happy 2nd anniversary to my dearest chyng my my aiya brother.. ^^ Time really flies.. Blink blink only then 2 years d.. Still remember the moment i witnessed how 2 of you know each other, the shyness appeared on your faces when you 2 meet each other, how we spread the rumors and finally 2 of you have being together..^^

2 years is not really long, but definitely is not a short period.. I believe that 2 of you know and understand each other more and more each days.. And of coz it requires toleration and communication.. Though somehow unexpected thingy will happen, just take it as a challenge that god gives you.

Believe!!! This is the main thing that every couple should set in their mind as well as their heart.. Though 2 of you may far apart and do not meet each other as much as those days, your relationship will not fade as you still LOVE each other, and having each other in your heart. It will only strengthen the bond, don't worry~

And hor.. now 2 of you are staying in diff state and diff place.. Caring and communicate is very important okay? Fred ah.. dont oways gaming while chatting edy.. And reply longer bit la.. 1 text few cent, few words oso few cent, dont waste money la, save the world kay? Haha.. no la, coz sometimes short reply will end the conversation faster as duno wat else to reply edy.. So, long text sumtimes will create more topics for 2 of you de..

And leh.. Chyng have to tolerate bit and forgive Fred coz sumtimes guys dun really understand wat we gals need.. So, anything we hav to tell guys then onli they realise de.. If we expect the days that they realise themselves, then i think after hundred years they still blur blur duno wat happen lo.. So, anything just tell him or scold him if he is wrong XD.. His lil aiya sister allow you to do so.. And Fred hor.. Remember wat your lao po said and try to amend lo.. Gals ma.. Jiong Jao ha la..(cantonese) =p

Hehe.. Thats all i wan to say la.. Once again, wish 2 of you Happy 2nd Anniversary oh...Stay sweet sweet and blissfully ya.. Happy oways.. I have to leave edy, canot a ji a jo here lo..2molo gt presentation and test..>.<>

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