Sunday, September 5, 2010

♥ Family day ♥

Hehe.. actually every sunday oso family day.. Just tat sumtimes too tired, lazy to wake up for breakfast and rather stay home and enjoy my sweet slumber onli.. If i able to wake up also, ther's nothing special.. The same routine.. Go sumwher else and eat, then go popo's hse n drink, shopping (mayb sumtimes), and after tat sure go bak home and everyone will hav their nap automatically..

However, miracles do happen somtimes.. LOL.. sounds weird huh.. We went swimming tis afternoon at grandpa's place ^^.. Had lots of fun and it was freaking cool.. Love this kind of family day ^^

With my dearest Hang Hang~~ =)

With sis-in-law and Hang Hang.. Love tis so much.. ^^ blur..
Cant stop playing with the masak-masak.. XD I feel young..

hahhahaha With daddy, bro, sis-in-law and cutie hang hang~ <3 href="">with pweety sista ^^

Ewwwww~~~ someone is splashing the water.. T.T

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