Friday, October 1, 2010

Result Day!!

At first I planned to talk a lot here, but it's bit late and quite lazy to type also.. Coz it will really be a lengthy one, no joking.. Haha.. dunwan to torture you guys to read such a long post la.. I'm so naiss right?? LOL.. You got no choice but to say YES!! *Faster nod ur head la* =p

Hehe.. please forgive me as I'm still canot control myself.. I'm super duper hyper excited today!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~ Know why? As i said today was result released day.. So does it related to my result? Definitely yes.. Hehe.. Thanks god that i didn't fail any of my papers so that i wouldn't need to pay rm80 to resit.. Hohoho.. Besides, i got Asss for all the paperss (Actually is 3A and 2A-) and 3.8906 for my CGPA!! XD What a blessed! I'm really lucky enough.. LOL.. Sophia was so cute that she said she's goin to boycott me and Joyce as we gt such a good CGPA and made her EMO.. Hahaha.. XD

This result would be a good starting for me, I supposed so.. Hehe, so I promised that i will work harder this semester and achieved a best even better result! Not sure whether i can make it or not, but having a target is good right? ^^ Congratez to all who had passed the exams with flying colours, and to those who had failed their paper, don't give up kay?? Work harder and good luck during resit.. All the best ya^^

Hmmm.. but I'm quite upset with the CPR students..(CPR = Certificate Public Relation).. There's 10 or 11 of them suppose to join my class during this semester.. However, now only left with 5 of them, half gone.. This is because they canot carry any fail subs with them to proceed to diploma.. Therefore, once they failed, they have to say good bye and continue their studies next year.. Awwwww.. how sad was that..T.T

Btw, I'm now an assistant class rep.. Thanks Joyce for choosing me as her assistant =].. LOL.. i duno whether i should laugh or cry when she made such a decision.. Haha.. But its okay, it will be fun working together with you.. Hope everything goes smoothly in this semester.. Cheer up babess *winks*