Thursday, November 25, 2010

Contented day!!! XD

On the same day, i went dating with my brother ^^ He's so pissed and not in a mood coz got scolded by his customer. Since I'm so free and having holiday on Friday, i drove to Genting Klang again to meet him coz i edy finished my class and reached home.

I suggested to go Pavillion for snowflake since my poor brother didn't go there and try before. Of coz the main reason is bcoz i missed snowflake and wanted to eat so much la... =p Since he's not in a mood, I will be his driver and treat him for the snowflake.. How generous I am ^^ Hope to have a sister like me?? Kekekeke

Snowflake!!!! It's usually packed and you couldn't have a seat to enjoy your snowflake. However, I'm just so lucky. I went for twice and i gt a nice nice place to sit also. LOL.. This had proven the fate between me and snowflake.. =p

Wondering what is this?? A cute "beeping UFO" ^^ Once you placed your order, the staff will give you this cute device to keep you waiting. Once it beep and vibrate, showing you the red light..... Wuhooooo!!!! your snowflake is ready!!! Get your tongue and buds ready!! =p

Tadaaaa~~ This is the snowflake best seller (cold version). It's only rm6.50 which consists of grass jelly, grass jelly ice, taro balls and 'creamer'.

Here's the 'creamer'. Actually i don't really know what isit. It's white in colour and i just assumed it as creamer.. Hehe.. I saw everyone pouring in this white thingy, so i followed also.=p As long as it tasted yummy then no big deal^^

Stir it with your spoon and ready to dig in with relish!! =) The shaved ice was really cooling and refreshing. And the taro balls were chewy!! Like it so much!! I bet that once you try you will fall in love with it. Just like me =p

You can't imagine how excited am I when i actually had the things that i craving for so long! Awwwwwwwww~~ The feeling of dreams come true is really awesome!! Hehe.. Before our movie session, we went and shopped around. OMG!!! Since when Sticky exists in Pavillion?? My favourite candy-Sticky had an outlet in Pavillion. Yahoooo!! Now i have 2 options- Pavillion and One U for me to grab sticky edy^^

Sticky~ The hand-made candy ^^

I'm so lucky!! 1st time see the process of making sticky.. It's a long and tiring process.. It actually required lots of stamina and energy for making the candy..

The gal is cutting and rolling the candy to make it equally round and long =) Then the worker will 'chop' the roll of candy into smaller pieces.

Tadaa~~~ Here's the end product-sticky!!! It's mango flavour and it's a SMILE!! So adorable rite?? Hehe, we gt to try this once it's ready and it's still lil bit warm ^^ But i didn't grab this bottle, but a mix flavour coz i wanted to try all the flavour =)

OMG!!!! I saw this kiosk right in front of Sticky.. I felt like screaming and shouting the moment i saw this.. It sells all the 3d cakess, which i had dreamed for so long!!! Awwwww~~~ "A Slice of Heaven", a nice name which you will actually feel like you are in heaven once you saw the cake.. It's hard to describe by words, so let's the picha do the talking part ^^

A castle!! How i wish i can have this =(

World of animalsss~~ They are so adorable right? ^^

For golf lover ^^

They even have the design of heels ^^

Hahaha.. My husband must buy me this kind of cake during engagement =p

Not only cake, their desserts look yummy too!! Have to try it one day =D

Finally it's movie time! We went and watched Rapunzel.. Hehe, as what i said in my previous post, Rapunzel was my sketch but i don't know the story at all.. Just knew that it's a princess with long long hair, staying in a towel without any window and door. After i watched, only i realised that her hair was super duper LONG!!! It's way longer than what i had expected.. @.@ I can't imagine she actually had such a long hair..Amazing!!!

Her hair not only long, but super strong and powerful ^^ And she's pweety =)

This is the witch!! She caught Rapunzel since she was still a baby as her hair had the power that actually kept her looked young and pweety. And Rapunzel tot that she's her mom.

Hahaha.. Love this cute animal so much!! He's just too adorable =p

Here's the prince and the horse- Maximus. Saw them fighting?? But Max actually save both the prince and princess at the end of the story. So touching ^^

I like this scene the most!! So nice and romantic!!! Awwwwwwww~~~ So lovely ^^

Overall the story is not bad and provides lots of laughter. Haha, somehow will feel younger when watch Disney cartoon. Not bad, worth to have a watch^^

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