Thursday, December 30, 2010

Last day of 2010 ♥

Today is the last day of 2010.. what shud we do to make it a memorable, yet hav no regrets of it??

Hmmm.. actually 2010 seems past in a second or two for me.. My pok pok cui year- 18 seems like goin to end soon =( Wuhuhuhuhu.. actually i feel like remaining 18 every year or forever 18.. i don't feel like growing up anymore.. Perhaps it's growing elder and older?? T.T When we were young, we oways hope to grow up so tat we are legal to do all the stuff, like having more outing, legal to drive, watching 18pl movie, entering club, leaving secondary school where the place we have to wear uniform everyday....... and etc..

But by the time we reached the legal age and done all of the above, we started to miss our younger age and younger life, when the moment everyone seems so naive and adorable, living without stress and worries.. Started to miss our childhood rite?? =p

Hehehe.. though i missed all my childhood memories, i had an awesome 18 thou!!!! I seriously had an AWESOME 18th bday celebration!!! All my sweet hearts and sweetie piess planned and celebrated my bday painstakingly.. I'm really touch and love all of them so much!! They've complete my life and played an important role in my life..

I'm really lucky and glad to have all the naiss and caring frendss around me.. They shared all my ups and downs, tease me when im showing sad face, wiping my tears and lending me shoulders when i cry, hold me and hug me to comfort me, tell me all the memoriessss to remind me how sweet were we...............and etc.. There's just too much of them!!!

You guys are really awesome!! I never ever regret that i actually noe u guys!! I suppose i'm the luckiest person in the world!!!Muahahahahha... Hmmm... on the last day of 2010, i would like to thank all my frens who treat me sincerely with their hearts.. And here my sincere apology to all of you if i did make any mistake or telling some harsh word that hurt u b4?? heheheh

Lastly, my sincere words from my bottom of heart to all of you: "Friendship isn't about whom have we known the longest, but it's about who came and never left.. YOU are the greatest friend that never left me and also the one everyone could ask for..Thank you for everything that you have done to me.. I seriously do appreciate and you are my greatest treasure.. Please continue to love me, as i will love you the same way and of coz, love you more and more each day..^^ You are part and parcel of my life and you do complete me.. My memories won't be so meaningful and wonderful without u~~~ I LOVE YOU so much, my fren ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (^w^)

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