Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1Down, 4 to Go

Today was my 1st day of final and I'm having English paper..=( Same things happen to me though it happened for years ago.. I don't know why i just couldn't amend this bad habit..

I'M LACK OF TIME,again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes,it's AGAIN!!!

Wuwuwuwuuwuwuwuuwu...*sob sob*

Though I tried my best to rush.... rushing and rushing.. I still don't get enough of time >.< better ="(">.<>


  1. u can do it girl :)
    i have the same habit too!
    it happened to me in my every single english paper as well
    it's annoying :(

  2. en en.. thank you dear~~
    let's learn time management skill together ^^
