Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I was about to sleep at 12 but insomnia just knocked my door and asked me for a date..=( 3 hours of rolling and rolling on bed and i had enough of that.. Though I'm super duper sleepy and my eyes were heavy, what to do if i fail to sleep so?? Sigh... (sumore sis was arguing wit his bf, so much noise, hw can i sleep jek?? >.<) I just left my room and surfing net here..

Thought of chatting with someone until i felt dizzy and it might cure my insomnia.. Perhaps i can go to sleep happily after that? but too bad there's no one else online at this moment.. T.T

I'm having the earliest and the latest class tomorrow la =(.. Classes start at 8am and end at 6pm... why would i get insomnia today, but not the other day?? LOL.. i hope i won't overslept and late to class again.. Just like what had happened today..

Haha.. Today was my result-released-day and since i'm having afternoon class, i should check my result before i went to class.. As what i said, i overslept =.= I late for half an hour and of coz i did not even have the time to check for my result.. I'm afraid to accept the fact tho.. I'm such a coward.. Hahaha

Well.. As what i had predicted, i did not get a satisfying result..Perhaps I should feel happy and glad that i didn't fail any of my subject, which i worried the most.. But the moment when i knew that i passed all, I hope to get a better result..I started to get emo and blame myself for getting such a bad result, and i even fatt lan za to myself >.<>.<.. B- is only 1 step backward to C, which seems no much different with C.. That's why I'm super duper upset and kinda disappointed.. =(

Don't worry.. I'm strong!! ^^ Let's look at it from a different view and i'm pretty fine now.. Maybe i deserved this result for playing so hard during sem 2?? Obviously there's tougher subjects compare with sem 1, but i did skip some of the lecture classes.. Whatever it is, I can only blame myself for not working hard on certain subjects..

I've learned from the pass and grown up now!!! Hahahahah.. Dai Gor Lui edy, should move forward but not living in the past.. Even i want to fatt lan za or emo, it's not a big deal.. That's how our emotional should be released and balanced, so let it be.. But not too long, juz a little while.. =p

Let's work super duper hard in this semester and never stop fighting!! It's a short semester and everything just crashed together.. Rushing is the only word that best describe the situation now.. Of coz time is limited and I'm craving for 48 hours per day, or even more.. Haha.. But it's kind of impossible.. So please work hard and pay double and triple attention in the class..

Good luck ying!! Cheer up!!!

1 comment:

  1. hugggs :)
    emotions especially sad ones are meant to be felt from the inside. bt once u feel it, its time to let go n move on as u knew how it felt.
    gud luck ying!!! jiayew together for our studies. Love you :)
