Friday, October 7, 2011

Words for friends ♥

Atmosphere and chemistry these days weren't really good... Friends were burying themselves in the blanket and cuddled to sleep, wetting all their pillows and bolsters.. I somehow doubting myself, what else can i do besides being a good listener??

I thought lending a ear is the best solution after all.. At least feeling better after expressing, rather than buried and hided at the lowest bottom of the heart.. Though the problems may not be solved, at least you talked to someone and not being alone.. Perhaps it works?? Or perhaps it doesn't?? Whatever it is, things have a way of working out when you least expect it..

I wish I'm an excellent psychologist for once... Putting myself in your shoes, knowing and understanding how you feel.. I indeed hope i know the best comforting skills that can blend well with your ears and hearts..

It's seriously heart broken when looking at your friends suffering but you couldn't lend any help at all.. Sigh!! I sincerely believe time is the BEST essence to cure.. It may be tough to overcome all the obstacles and circumstances at this critical moment, but it's not impossible.. It's just a matter of whether you wanna let go..

Friends!!! I know you are trying your very best to recover.. I didn't expect it can be done in no time.. But please treasure yourself if others don't!! STAY STRONG and GET WELL SOON!!! I know you can do it one day!! And I'm looking forward for the day to come!!!

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