Monday, December 19, 2011


SC always make me have the motivation to blog.. even though the last time i blogged was 2 months ago.. hmmm.. guess i wouldn't update this little bloggie that frequent, unless it really meant and matter a lot to me..

After months of preparation, BIG 5 has finally ended successfully.. Of course all goes to the excellent and enormous cooperation of the SC members.. What i felt was actually sounded the same as what i mentioned in my vote of thanks.. I wonder how fortunate I am..I'm seriously lucky enough to be backed by a team of very motivated and dedicated committee members.. I indeed cannot thank everyone enough for their involvement and willingness to take on the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones!

Especially Wah.. Being an AOC suppose is an easy task.. but pity him for being my AOC coz it's not easy at all.. Thank you for taking such a good care of me all these while and make sure everything went smoothly.. And i knew u did sacrifice a lot, which the guilt still growing in my heart =( I felt really really sorry.. U always make me feel like ur problem is not a problem, while our problems are those which really matter u and u care a lot.. U are really a nice guy =(

Of coz not forgetting my little bao bei.. I knew it's a tough moment for u to take care leo, work, studies, family, friends and relationship at the same time.. No matter how stressful u are, u will still come to me and pat my shoulder.. Telling me everything will be alright.. Especially when i received ur text that day, my tears almost dropped while reading it.. Thank you bao bei and i love u so muchii!!!

Thankiew so much my sui po and vin!!! I'm seriously felt guilty on the stress u had previously =(.. Though u were having hard time with ur test, u still cracking ur head looking performances here and there for our anni.. And vin, thank you for coming back!!! U will never noe how excited bao bei and me while we can feel ur return..

Of coz nel nel.. Thank you for being an awesome emcee and superb social butterfly.. U are the one keeping the atmosphere heat and warm all night.. Becoz of ur charm and attractiveness, many leos came and supported!! =p I will never forget the title i gave u, our MASCOT!!

Another charming guy in our club! Thanks lik for helping so much throughout the event.. I noe u don't like to social much.. But thanks for what u did the night! I can understand hw u feel by looking at ur face.. It's quite obvious thou..LOL!! Anyway, i seriously appreciate a lot!!

Another sincere thanks goes to Bryan!! Thanks for the hard time traveling up and down just to look for sponsorship.. But ur effort is not wasted as we have wonderful door gift!! And also Seng Han.. Thankiew for asking all ur frens to come and support.. and getting our club a big 5 cake! =p Really really thankiew so much!

Thankiew the lil cute max who have given me lots of guidance and advices throughout the event..and thanks for the wonderful music and PA that rocked the night!!

Last but not least, thanks to the registration team- Michelle, Dino and Jack who helped a lot!!!

Thankiew everyone!! I seriously couldn't express my feeling much with words..Sorry if i did offend any of you during this period of time yea.. sai lou lui mm sik sai gai =p Love all of oways!!! Muackiie!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

More than a random post =)

I love reading quotes that inspired and electrified my nerve ending^^ Even though it is just a small little thingy that we may have came across, somehow we just forgot things that are less important to us, and tend to forget them.. In fact, it is not strange at all..

Here some quotes that i find them rather interesting and would like to share in my little bloggie=) Reading quotes can somehow change your states of mind and perception, and mood may be affected too.. Hehehe.. So don't ever look down how these quotes can work on you =p

  1. Life always brings us wounds all over the body.But the wounds will certainly become the greatest strength finally.
  2. Giving up doesn't mean you're weak, sometimes it means you're strong enough to let go.
  3. You will be seeing miracles as long as you take a deep breath. Being happy,it is not because of how much you own but for the big part that you don't care for.
  4. Can't figure it out then let it go.Can't get it then give it up.Why must put yourself in difficulties?
  5. Things will come to you as it is planned for you.The firmer you grip,the easier you lose.We've tried and cherished,we have a clear conscience.Let the fate take care of the rest.
  6. Sometimes,God does not give you what you want,it is not because you do not deserve it but for the better.
  7. Don't let others' judgement submerge your inner voice. Most importantly,you have to be brave to follow your heart and intuition.
  8. Don’t say you love me unless you mean it, because I might do something crazy like I will believe it.
  9. It's no one's fault if you get hurt of your expectations about them. Keep your expectations low, and just be happy.
  10. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  11. If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.
  12. Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.
  13. Use your smile to change the world. Don't let the world change your smile
  14. If love two persons, select the second; Because you will not love someone else if you truly love the first.
  15. The shortest mantra of this world is the name of a person.
  16. Be true to who you are. Stop trying to please other people or be someone else. It’s better to be an original version of yourself than an exact duplicate of someone else.
  17. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not.
  18. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
  19. The best things in life are unseen,thats why we close our eyes when we kiss cry and dream.
  20. In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.
Hehehe..i can be such random =p

Friday, October 7, 2011

Words for friends ♥

Atmosphere and chemistry these days weren't really good... Friends were burying themselves in the blanket and cuddled to sleep, wetting all their pillows and bolsters.. I somehow doubting myself, what else can i do besides being a good listener??

I thought lending a ear is the best solution after all.. At least feeling better after expressing, rather than buried and hided at the lowest bottom of the heart.. Though the problems may not be solved, at least you talked to someone and not being alone.. Perhaps it works?? Or perhaps it doesn't?? Whatever it is, things have a way of working out when you least expect it..

I wish I'm an excellent psychologist for once... Putting myself in your shoes, knowing and understanding how you feel.. I indeed hope i know the best comforting skills that can blend well with your ears and hearts..

It's seriously heart broken when looking at your friends suffering but you couldn't lend any help at all.. Sigh!! I sincerely believe time is the BEST essence to cure.. It may be tough to overcome all the obstacles and circumstances at this critical moment, but it's not impossible.. It's just a matter of whether you wanna let go..

Friends!!! I know you are trying your very best to recover.. I didn't expect it can be done in no time.. But please treasure yourself if others don't!! STAY STRONG and GET WELL SOON!!! I know you can do it one day!! And I'm looking forward for the day to come!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Somehow promises are meant to be broken.. but i do hope there's exception for this time, which is the promise that I've just made for myself.. I hope i really mean it..

I'm pretty grateful for what i got now thou.. Unfortunately the happiness doesn't stay long and it tends to be fading away..

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Random post =)

Hehe.. Though I'm much guilty to say so, it's a fact that it has been quite a moment since i blogged. Thanks to the hectic Semester 1 in Diploma Year 2.. I learned to become strong and finally, I'm still doing fine here saying hi to everyone =)

Almost everyone who's close to me know that I'm having hard time with my event..however, it's worth for all the tears and sweats as we finally did it.. Thought of giving up at the critical moment when I'm almost collapsed, but thanks to all the supports that revived me..Only at that moment, we are brought to become closer, like seriously? At least we know each other more than just a hi-bye friend..^^

Notwithstanding "Hold Me, Hug Me, Show Me Love" has passed for almost a month, the memories still often flashing in my mind vividly, reminding me of the sweet moments.. Especially watching the video done by my best dude!! Credits to him as he really helped me a lot... a lot.... Not to say this event, but in almost every condition, he will always reply me with a "Yes!" And yeah, i know i owe him much which i can never pay back =p

I would also like to thank all the besties and my lovely family that supported my event!! I know it's late, but late better than never right? LOL!! You will never know how touching and how heart warming it is, when you see all the familiar faces appear in front of you, showing you all kinds of support ^^ Thank you for making me feel so blessed! I indeed appreciated a lot!! My life wouldn't be so complete without YOU- My friends & family!!!! =)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

♥ Once SC, Forever SC ♥

Do what makes you happy & be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.

This is SC family and once again, I feel bliss for having this family. ♥

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I'm craving for this recently.. Feel like getting it and bringing one home.. But which color nicer? white? pink? choco? Hmmmm.. why no blue? Coz i juz don't like blue =p Will pink and white get dirty easily? Choco is nicer or white/pink?? Mmmmmmmm.. Tough decision..

Hmmm.. Buy... or not buy.... Actually I'm still in a dilemma .. Will mummy scold me if i really go and buy one? Coz i love to spend and always spend =( But i really like the feeling of looking at the film coming out, and the image appearing slowly.. It's just so magical and amazing!! Can i get one?? Should i get one?? T__T

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What's wrong with me??

I get emo easily, get happy easily too..

I can be emo at this moment, but feeling happy at the next moment, and it went back to emo again few seconds later.. =.=

It's totally an abnormal act..

PMS???? Totally not and impossible, because i know when 'she' will visit me..

I just don't know why.. It's so not me..

Exam period now..

I should study for my paper, but don't know why i just don't have the study mood to start my engine..

I can be holding my notes/books for hours, but end up din study anything and day dreaming there..

Though i noe there's lots to study and i must start studying (not revision coz i only study b4 exam), i juz don't have the motivation..

I blame the weather for being so hot..

I blame the sound pollution from renovation which make me headache..

I blame Windows for blocking my account (always)..

I blame.. I blame... I blame...

I thought i will be alright and feeling better when i put the blame on others..


I'm stress and going to break down soon..

I don't know what am i doing at all..

And, i don't know who is this..

Monday, March 21, 2011

Busy and hectic life

I know i have abandoned my babe here for couple of 'centuries', i feel like updating sometimes, but somehow i just can not manage what i wish to do..=( I'm just too busy with my life.. Not to say spend only 30 minutes for my blog, i don't even have that 30 minutes for my slumber..

Yea.. it actually reminds me that it has been a long time since i slept.. I'm suffering from sleepless nights.. I thought that sleep for only 30 minutes is my limit, which i always burn this kind of midnight candles during my tests.. However, i can actually survive, surviving, and still survive without my slumber.. I've explored and extended my limit tho..

I somehow believe that it's worth to sacrifice little for a better outcome.. And i always expect myself to do the best if i still manage to do so.. i thought this is part of our learning process?? which we can learn and improve ourselves, and keep moving on..

Nonetheless, i'm not special.. I'm not superwoman.. I'm just me.. an ordinary human being who will also feel tired and exhausted.. I need cooperation and team work as well.. I don't mind doing all the things for the first few times, but please don't step on my tail and become more and more ridiculous..

It's really fed up and exhausted to do work all alone, seeking for help here and there, but others are sleeping, chilling out and enjoying there.. And it's real disappointed when i heard " I simply do one".. "SIMPLY", one word is enough for the says.. Somehow i wondering what's the definition of group work, when there's only 1 or 2 doing work for others..

Please do think of others when you are sleeping, studying for test......and etc.. You are not the only one who's facing the problem, so please don't be so selfish and care for only yourself especially others are doing work for you.. At least, be more independent and responsible.. Just a little will do, and it's much appreciated.. You should feel guilty but not showing face.. And, to be honest, you don't have the right to do so.. You are responsible to clean your leftover yourself..

Well, enough of blaming.. Hahahaha.. i can be happy and cheerful by little things.. I passed my tests!!! And I scored quite well.. Yeapi!!!! =) I afraid to fail so much as i'm busy rushing my ass and i got no enough time to study for that.. Hehehe.. Not only that, ass and presentation quite satisfied tho.. Thank god for blessing me and loving me ^^

Hehehe.. please allow me to share my work here.. They are born perfectly with my zero knowledge of Photoshop.. And now, I'm an expert!!! (only in my class =.= , act nth to be proud oso..LOL ) In my ass, we are actually a travel agency which required to come out with several tasks to promote a local weekend getaway.. So here's my babesss.. ^^

Gift Certificate~^^ which is actually my only task..=)

Flyer ~^^

Advertisement~ ^^

1st page of website ^^

Business card~^^

the last one~~~~~ Letterhead~~~^^

Though they look simple and easy tasks, it's not easy tho.. A big thanks to Monkey, Calvinz, Nelson and Rui Ern who did help me a lot in giving their opinions and feed backs~^^

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I was about to sleep at 12 but insomnia just knocked my door and asked me for a date..=( 3 hours of rolling and rolling on bed and i had enough of that.. Though I'm super duper sleepy and my eyes were heavy, what to do if i fail to sleep so?? Sigh... (sumore sis was arguing wit his bf, so much noise, hw can i sleep jek?? >.<) I just left my room and surfing net here..

Thought of chatting with someone until i felt dizzy and it might cure my insomnia.. Perhaps i can go to sleep happily after that? but too bad there's no one else online at this moment.. T.T

I'm having the earliest and the latest class tomorrow la =(.. Classes start at 8am and end at 6pm... why would i get insomnia today, but not the other day?? LOL.. i hope i won't overslept and late to class again.. Just like what had happened today..

Haha.. Today was my result-released-day and since i'm having afternoon class, i should check my result before i went to class.. As what i said, i overslept =.= I late for half an hour and of coz i did not even have the time to check for my result.. I'm afraid to accept the fact tho.. I'm such a coward.. Hahaha

Well.. As what i had predicted, i did not get a satisfying result..Perhaps I should feel happy and glad that i didn't fail any of my subject, which i worried the most.. But the moment when i knew that i passed all, I hope to get a better result..I started to get emo and blame myself for getting such a bad result, and i even fatt lan za to myself >.<>.<.. B- is only 1 step backward to C, which seems no much different with C.. That's why I'm super duper upset and kinda disappointed.. =(

Don't worry.. I'm strong!! ^^ Let's look at it from a different view and i'm pretty fine now.. Maybe i deserved this result for playing so hard during sem 2?? Obviously there's tougher subjects compare with sem 1, but i did skip some of the lecture classes.. Whatever it is, I can only blame myself for not working hard on certain subjects..

I've learned from the pass and grown up now!!! Hahahahah.. Dai Gor Lui edy, should move forward but not living in the past.. Even i want to fatt lan za or emo, it's not a big deal.. That's how our emotional should be released and balanced, so let it be.. But not too long, juz a little while.. =p

Let's work super duper hard in this semester and never stop fighting!! It's a short semester and everything just crashed together.. Rushing is the only word that best describe the situation now.. Of coz time is limited and I'm craving for 48 hours per day, or even more.. Haha.. But it's kind of impossible.. So please work hard and pay double and triple attention in the class..

Good luck ying!! Cheer up!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Holidaeeee =)

Time to update my bloggie ^^

My 1st week of holiday was really busy and tiring, yet it was fun =)

Right after my paper, i went yum cha with my dear sui poss.. Only 3 of us , and we do have few hours of heart to heart talk.. I felt loved and sweet <3 Really love you gals so much ^^

On the second day, went 1u with sister and we shopped for her bday's lucky draw present at Sasa.. Hmmmm.. well, we spent lots on skin care, mask and etc.. Coz our skin are really not in good condition these days.. And these little thinggy cost us around 400 -500++..=.= I'm broke after that.. =(

On Wednesday, suppose went shopping with sis for clothes coz she set dress code for her birthday party.. Unfortunately, i met with an accident while delivering cake to popo's house and end up spending time in police station.. LOL.. Well, new updates ^^ I can now claim from the driver's insurance coz his car is not under government, though he is =p That's consider a good news thou.. =) Waiting my little green to come back home after operation.. I miss you so much.. For a driver, life without car is really suffering =(

On Thursday, I still went shopping with my sis.. LOL.. wondering how we went?? It was Thaipusam and bro was not working..So sis drove his car and that's our shopping day^^ Spent lots on cosmetics and clothes also.. Another 400-500++ flew away~~~ I seriously gt no idea where's the money went @.@

On Friday, which is my sis's pre-birthday celebration, I stayed home and lifted a finger to mummy and daddy..=( I suppose went Low Yat for meeting and sing k celebration..But I'm sick and gt no transport..=( My body really mm zang hei.. don't allow me to hav fun.. I suppose i will gone crazy if i join the sing k session with them =p

It's my sis's birthday party!!!! Woke up early in the morning and helped to blow all the balloons, hang them up, cut vege and etc.. And i cut my fingers too.. LOL.. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. My market value seriously will go down if everyone know that my cooking skill is so sucks.. LOL =p Have lots of fun on that night ^^ Happy earlier birthday to my pweety sis ^^

And what's bout today??? I just came back from a charity dinner.. They invited the orphans to come over and enjoyed the dinner.. Not only that, there's performance from the children too ^^ They are amazing!!! They seriously can dance well.. Thumb up for them ^^ Hehe.. And i felt so touch when i found out my family are very supportive now.. They are so active in doing charity now, which is a good news to me as a leo ^^

Hmmmm.. i think that's more than enough for me.. i should really stay home and rest well for the following days.. =)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vey very 1st Accident in ma Life =(

Just came back from police station.. =(

The very 1st accident in ma life.. and it just happened at the traffic light in front of ma house..>.< The road was extremely jam and when i break, the car (4 wheel) behind me bang me..=( The impact was so big that i actually hit the lorry in front of me also..

3 vehicles involved in da accident.. But I'm the victim.. front and back oso seriously damaged.. The lorry of coz just scratched lil bit, and the car behind me broke his number plate onli..T.T The moment the guy get down from car, he insists that it's not his fault and asked why I sudden break.. (He said that's the reason y he will hit me) But the road was so jam and the lorry in front of me is not moving.. Shouldn't i break but continue moving and hit the lorry?? RIDICULOUS!!!!

And he's working under government which related to water system.. Syabas?? I'm not sure.. i only remember it's in blue.. "So Apa macam sekarang? Saya government punya orang, lu P sekarang jugak, mao report ke? Tak pa la, report la, saya tak da apa-apa pun" Excuse me, It's not my fault kay? why should i afraid of you and it sounds like it's my fault?? You are the one who hit me kay!! Police ask you continue to move, but didn't ask u to HIT me.. stupid fella..

BUT.. He's the one who lend me his fon to call my daddy =( I forgot to bring my fon and left it at home.. Ishhhhh.. What a bad day..

Though it's not my fault.. I cried too =(.. Felt so wronged when scolded by daddy T.T He's not scolding actually.. But... he's not comforting me and accuse i'm driving fast and that's y accident happened.." Told you to drive slowly and carefully, now CNY season many accident!! See, what's happening now?" T.T And the lorry driver oso blame that it's my fault.. I couldn't stand it and felt really wronged!!! My tears rolling and falling non-stop.. T.T

Today suppose is my Shopping Day but end up Accident Day.. Haizzz =(

Saturday, January 15, 2011

4 down, last one to go!!!

Well, I'm not doing well in my PR paper and MMS paper.. =(

Founding out that there's no objective for the paper I've sit, in the exam hall seriously let me down.. Thought objectives somehow can save me and help me to get some free marks, but there's no even one.. How sad is that.. >.<

This is the consequences of not checking the pass year format.. (Actually the same format with sem 1, just that i've forgotten) =(

And i even fatt pei hei and fatt lan za to myself while studying MMS, and nearly burst into tears..T.T IDK why my emotional is so unstable..

I'm seriously STRESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sem 1's result was satisfying and i think my course work and mid term helped a lot too.. But, what's happening now???

My course work and mid term are mostly at the bottom line of Passing???>.<

A should be my target for scoring, but it seems rather impossible now.. What about a PASS?? It seems hard thou.. T.T

I've tried my best.. God please bless me and i seriously need it.. =(

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Let's count!!!















15 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!! It's 15!!! 15 new born pimples on my face results of PMS and Exam stress!!!

15 of them are really driving me craziiiieeee~~~~~~~~~~>.<

Painful and Awful!!! T.T

How am i going to cure and clear all of them??

It sounds like kind of impossible.. >.<

Hmmmm.. i think...

It's better for me to wear a plastic bag when going out..

The best solution either??? I suppose so.. hahahaha.. I look great huh?? XD

* p.s Hope 15 of them will disappear after 1 week.. Allelluyah!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

2 Down, 3 to Go

Haha.. i hope i won't fail too!!! I've been studying this sub for days =p

Slept for less than 2 hours and woke up continue studying my Tamadun Islam & Asia 1a.m. this morning...

Wootzz.. it's already been 14 hours ago.. and i'm still survive here.. impressive ha?? LOL.. =)

And why am i so relaxing blogging here???

I'm having 5 days break before my next paper ^^ .. Wuhooooo~~~~

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next friday will be having my PR paper and saturday will be having my mass media paper =.=

Don't feel like having combo for that, but i've gt no choice >.<

Hehe.. hopefully i will study hard during this break ba.. Both PR and mass media paper are nt easy.. So have to work very hard on them..

Before starting my revision, let's hav a-day-break.. XD

And now, i'm going to have my little sweet nap ^^

Wish myself luck and all the best!!! ^w^

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1Down, 4 to Go

Today was my 1st day of final and I'm having English paper..=( Same things happen to me though it happened for years ago.. I don't know why i just couldn't amend this bad habit..

I'M LACK OF TIME,again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes,it's AGAIN!!!

Wuwuwuwuuwuwuwuuwu...*sob sob*

Though I tried my best to rush.... rushing and rushing.. I still don't get enough of time >.< better ="(">.<>