Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy ^^

Tadaaa~~~ This is Miss Chai - my lovely IT tutor.. She's pretty cute rite? I love her so much la.. That's why i never skip her class b4 =p

Finally i have finished my IT presentation and test today.. I really stressed up the day b4 because i hav no idea what to prepare first.. Presentation??? Test?? Which is more important???? Haha.. Anyway.. Everything became past tense now =)...

Though i prepared my presentation slide last minute, I'm pretty excited and satisfied with my last minute work coz i get quite high marks for my presentation...WeeeeEeeeeeeee~~~~~~ Really unexpected!!! Good job Wai Keng and Yee Yin ^^...

After presentation, 8 of us went to cafe and had our lunch while waiting for our test.. Of coz everyone of us studied while eating.. First time we studied for test together, and i can actually see the serious faces..

Hehe.. talking bout the test.. the objective part is easy for me ^^.. The subjective part ok ok >.<.. And the essay part 50: 50...T.T I also dont know what am i toking bout.. Whether i know how to answer or not.. Depends on my marks lo.. =p

Haha.. Don't know why I'm so delighted today la..Maybe the previous week too busy for assignment, presentation and test??? And now i can sit in front computer without doing any work? Hehe.. I feel great!! ^^

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