Saturday, April 9, 2011

What's wrong with me??

I get emo easily, get happy easily too..

I can be emo at this moment, but feeling happy at the next moment, and it went back to emo again few seconds later.. =.=

It's totally an abnormal act..

PMS???? Totally not and impossible, because i know when 'she' will visit me..

I just don't know why.. It's so not me..

Exam period now..

I should study for my paper, but don't know why i just don't have the study mood to start my engine..

I can be holding my notes/books for hours, but end up din study anything and day dreaming there..

Though i noe there's lots to study and i must start studying (not revision coz i only study b4 exam), i juz don't have the motivation..

I blame the weather for being so hot..

I blame the sound pollution from renovation which make me headache..

I blame Windows for blocking my account (always)..

I blame.. I blame... I blame...

I thought i will be alright and feeling better when i put the blame on others..


I'm stress and going to break down soon..

I don't know what am i doing at all..

And, i don't know who is this..

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