Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunway Lagoon~XD

30 April..Yea,Hao Yu,Zhong Kai,Wen Quan,Bing Ran,Simone,Chyng and me went to Sunway Lagoon..And of coz the NS boy - Jin Hao..It was fun to hang out and played around with my buddies..I just liked it =)..Perhaps this is our last outing b4 everyone started their college life,matrikulasi,form 6 and etc..

I seriously dun like to take train..But with a bunch of besties,it was still okay for me..At least i felt warm,fun and happy..You all just like to telling jokes..We laughed all the way,which was the noisy-est in the train,and definitely we were the spotlight..=p

It was my 1st time playing in Sunway Lagoon..And some of them also..We played quite a lot of games..Some of them were really fun,yet some of them were really so so...The Cowboy Shoes..The instructor asked us to sit 2 by 2..But we ignored him and sit 1 by 1..Then he made us turning round n round continuosly,and dun feel like letting us come down..Lol..i thought that's the way he revenge..

Then we went and played some water games,roller coaster,cups and water park..Seriously,i liked most of the water games..Maybe the weather is too hot??Haha..Just that it was tiring to carry the 'tube' and 'map' up there..Too many staircase>.<

Of coz the main reason which made us laughed a lot was the action and reaction of the guys when they saw bikini gals..LOL..Their eyes were like popping out and noses bleeding..Mayb that's the reason why they wanna go Sunway bt not Genting..=p

After playing in water park and everyone were wet..We went and played the new version of 'Pirates Ship'(Lol,Dont know the name in eng)..That's the only way to make us dry,i thought..It was so funny when the things putting down and pressing our laps..Everyone in the ships were shouting painfully..When the game started,zk scolded all the way till it ended..All the rude and harsh words caming out..LOL..Maybe that's the way he released his stress and tension..It's a 360 degree!Everyone were shouting like hell!XD

After that,we went for the old version 1..It's also a 360 degree one..Just the size smaller than the new one,and we were like sitting inside the cage..Just imagine the animals inside the zoo and sitting on a chair..There's nothing much difference though..XD And we played x3 for this..The 2nd time actually i request for it..I thought the instuctor canot hear me..When we thought it was going to end..*Wheee!!Wheee~~~* The music rang and that's the 2nd time began..JH and HY scolded me all the way..LOL..

When it goin to end..The gals next door request for the 3rd time..All the boys beating the glass and shouted 'HELP!'And of coz..The instructor ignore them and that's the 3rd time XD I laughed all the way when saw them exhausted bcoz of playing for so many times..That's the memorable and unforgetteble part which everyone of us wouldn't forget bout it..^^

Though it's tiring,we do have lots of fun..The only regret is we took very few pictures onli..>.< I Love Tis!!
After playing for the 3rd times?? XD
Outside the tiger's cage~~
Ducky faces~~=D
Love Tis Also~~DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo~~~~

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I realised tat after i abandoned my blog for the 1st time..There will be the 2nd..3rd time..Maybe there's really nothing special happened..Or I have used to it??LOL =p

Well..What i need to say besides driving..still is driving..I noe it had appeared in tis blog for some times..But i have no choice not to talk bout it..Coz its my life..My current life..

As a driver who has had her license for more than half year..almost a year??Now onli i learn driving,wholeheartedly..Perhaps i used to do my task last minute..Haha..

Today i drove to college..The feeling as a driver n passenger is totally different..I used to be a passenger..But now,i hav to used to be a driver..Started to recognise the path!!As a road noob,this is quite hard for me XD...

All the ways is still okay for me..At least daddy din scold me..and i can handle the car better..A bit..Just a bit..Seriously..Im still afraid to drive on a narrow road and cars at my left n right at the same time..@.@..I duno how to estimate the distance between my car n others..And i duno the size of my car when im driving inside..Just feel like i will hit them,or they will hit me=.=

College goin to start in 2 weeks time..Cant imagine the time i have to drive myself to college ALONE!! Noone sitting besides me and look after me..Im the onli 1..What happen if i lost??I have to find my ways back by myself..Isshhh~~Driving??Its not as easy as wat i thought n expected!

Good luck and Gambateh!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Im happy XD~ Finally i drove..Haha,tis is the 1st time i drove since i got my license..More than half year maybe?? My dad suppose to be the one who teach me..But due to his backache,he called his aiya kai zai - Leong Gor Gor to teach me..

Well..What i can say is my driving skill improve d =p..Kakakaka..I drove quite professionally..No more scare,stering no more turning left n right(kelam kabut)...And of coz,my speed increased ^^ So far,90km/h is my highest record..Of coz i dun dare to speed but slow down a bit..Haha,i noe how to drive roundabout also..This is quite amazing..I dont know wher i get the power n confident to drive so well..Lol XD

When i reached home..Daddy and bro asked Leong Gor Gor how my driving skill..He said he can sleep peacefully in my car..Their eyes popped out =p Coz they canot imagine i can drive well also..Haha..Hope the next tim i drive,daddy will be sitting beside me and praise me too..Hard to get his compliment eh =)

Haha..Finish talking bout today..Lets talk bout yesterday,which i think is a memorable day..Yesterday went to majlis anugerah cemerlang..Long time din back to school d..Haha..Its sad to say tat i kena tangkap la..The teacher said my skirt is too short..But luckily i wore legging,which make it looks better..Then suddenly said canot,i hav to change my skirt..

Lol..I dont know why i din angry or fa lan za..Mayb i grew up?Know how to control my emotional well??Haha..Perhaps..I just guai guai went n wore the skirt they prepared,which looked like a curtain @.@Lazy to talk bout the details..i just skipped..^^

Haha..As usual,after that we went for gathering..To celebrate my dear ling's bday..Though its 1 week earlier..I do hope she enjoyed it..Coz hao hao was here with us..Purposely came back celebrate ur bday neh XD The onli thing i knew you were happy bcoz its ur 1st time wearing cheong sam and celebrate bday =p Haha,hope u like n enjoy da celebration la..

I dun feel like wishing you 1st..Wait few more days ba =p..Now,lets some picture to talk talk~~

All the murnian with lovely Pn Suria after claimed our money XD

Ling's bday cake..The rabbit symbolizu U coz U hav rabbit teeth ^^

Haha..Tis is the 1st expression when ling saw the cake..Look surprise..But duno surprise anot jek..Lol

All da ji mui~~And ling is making her wishessss...^^

All da heng dai~Lol..sounds like wedding XD

All of us wish u happy birthday~~muackss

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Should I??

I have been thinking tis since long time ago..But wats result at the end??DUNO!!!!!Yea,Tis is the onli word tat comes into my mind..

When i think bout it onli..My heart is really beating fast..Like jumping out and i holding it on my hands..And its still beating and i cant really hear the tempo of lup dup clearly since it beating fast like hell..=.=

And..Am I thinking too much??I duno..Coz im really scare..A lot to scare..Really >.<...I have to be very independent coz i hav to meet a lot of strangers..Those who i dont know and who dont know me..Though its a gud timing to train myself..It still need COURAGE..Which i dont know where my courage went and i think im not ready yet..

And i dont know whether tis is a right choice anot..Wat will happen if i really did tat?Of coz i noe some rumours will be spreading..What is it and how it react to me..I dont know...I really dont know>.<..Should i stay??Staying is becoz of the minority..Those i really care..

Well..I dont know why the elder we grow,the more decision we hav to made..Is it to prove tat we have grown up??I prefer the normal life at those days..Haha,BUt now i can onli chasing the memories..

I think i should be BRAVE to do my own decision and INDEPENDENT to face my life..Bro,you are right..You told me tat im not independent enough..Now,i totally agree with you..

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bola Kampung~~^^

Haha..long time didnt update my blog le..Busy working =p..Talked bout working,im so sorry to my dear frens who oways dated me but i ffk..Keke..Paiseh ya..

Well,feel like talking the recent job..Last sat n sun ,3rd and 4th of April..I have worked in RTM..Which was actually a carniva(Sorakan 1 Malaysia,1 Dunia)..3 of the guys have worked as mascot for Bola Kampung while 2 of the gals as escot..Of coz im including in the escot..XD

Though its very hot standing and walking under a hot sun..I did enjoy it very much..When the moment we finished our performance on stage and get compliment during the last day,we were so excited though v did sum mistakes..Coz v did better than the 1st day..=p

Besides,when i saw all the kids shaking hands,hugging the mascot and snapping pic together after finishing the colouring contest..I felt touch..The scene was so familiar as i saw it b4..

Haha..And wat i really wish to say is thank you Jack and Raymond for guiding and helping me all the way..Felf sorry to them indeed..Sam fu sai you 2 ya..

Me and Sze To(Calvinz)..sounds jit doh in cantonese rite??=p

Me and Iwan (Ah Xian)..XD

Me and Kumar (Wee Lin)..^^

My boss~(Jack) =p

Boss jugak~(Raymon) ^^

With da Emcee..He is really great XD

And last one..Sure hav to syok sendiri geh..Haha =p