Sunday, April 25, 2010


I realised tat after i abandoned my blog for the 1st time..There will be the 2nd..3rd time..Maybe there's really nothing special happened..Or I have used to it??LOL =p

Well..What i need to say besides driving..still is driving..I noe it had appeared in tis blog for some times..But i have no choice not to talk bout it..Coz its my life..My current life..

As a driver who has had her license for more than half year..almost a year??Now onli i learn driving,wholeheartedly..Perhaps i used to do my task last minute..Haha..

Today i drove to college..The feeling as a driver n passenger is totally different..I used to be a passenger..But now,i hav to used to be a driver..Started to recognise the path!!As a road noob,this is quite hard for me XD...

All the ways is still okay for me..At least daddy din scold me..and i can handle the car better..A bit..Just a bit..Seriously..Im still afraid to drive on a narrow road and cars at my left n right at the same time..@.@..I duno how to estimate the distance between my car n others..And i duno the size of my car when im driving inside..Just feel like i will hit them,or they will hit me=.=

College goin to start in 2 weeks time..Cant imagine the time i have to drive myself to college ALONE!! Noone sitting besides me and look after me..Im the onli 1..What happen if i lost??I have to find my ways back by myself..Isshhh~~Driving??Its not as easy as wat i thought n expected!

Good luck and Gambateh!!

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