Sunday, April 11, 2010

Im happy XD~ Finally i drove..Haha,tis is the 1st time i drove since i got my license..More than half year maybe?? My dad suppose to be the one who teach me..But due to his backache,he called his aiya kai zai - Leong Gor Gor to teach me..

Well..What i can say is my driving skill improve d =p..Kakakaka..I drove quite professionally..No more scare,stering no more turning left n right(kelam kabut)...And of coz,my speed increased ^^ So far,90km/h is my highest record..Of coz i dun dare to speed but slow down a bit..Haha,i noe how to drive roundabout also..This is quite amazing..I dont know wher i get the power n confident to drive so well..Lol XD

When i reached home..Daddy and bro asked Leong Gor Gor how my driving skill..He said he can sleep peacefully in my car..Their eyes popped out =p Coz they canot imagine i can drive well also..Haha..Hope the next tim i drive,daddy will be sitting beside me and praise me too..Hard to get his compliment eh =)

Haha..Finish talking bout today..Lets talk bout yesterday,which i think is a memorable day..Yesterday went to majlis anugerah cemerlang..Long time din back to school d..Haha..Its sad to say tat i kena tangkap la..The teacher said my skirt is too short..But luckily i wore legging,which make it looks better..Then suddenly said canot,i hav to change my skirt..

Lol..I dont know why i din angry or fa lan za..Mayb i grew up?Know how to control my emotional well??Haha..Perhaps..I just guai guai went n wore the skirt they prepared,which looked like a curtain @.@Lazy to talk bout the details..i just skipped..^^

Haha..As usual,after that we went for gathering..To celebrate my dear ling's bday..Though its 1 week earlier..I do hope she enjoyed it..Coz hao hao was here with us..Purposely came back celebrate ur bday neh XD The onli thing i knew you were happy bcoz its ur 1st time wearing cheong sam and celebrate bday =p Haha,hope u like n enjoy da celebration la..

I dun feel like wishing you 1st..Wait few more days ba =p..Now,lets some picture to talk talk~~

All the murnian with lovely Pn Suria after claimed our money XD

Ling's bday cake..The rabbit symbolizu U coz U hav rabbit teeth ^^

Haha..Tis is the 1st expression when ling saw the cake..Look surprise..But duno surprise anot jek..Lol

All da ji mui~~And ling is making her wishessss...^^

All da heng dai~Lol..sounds like wedding XD

All of us wish u happy birthday~~muackss


  1. happy one-week-earlied birthday to ling =)

    i seriuosly like da photo with pn suria!!!=D first was in uniform n second here comes us graduated~ time juz pass so fast...

    N, i hate flash!!!!

  2. haha..chyng really my follower ya..
    so fast you cum n visit my blog liao..
    yea..blink blink onli then all graduate and gonna start our new life soon..
    hope our frenship long last till murnian's wedding dinner n pn suria is there =p
