Monday, April 5, 2010

Bola Kampung~~^^

Haha..long time didnt update my blog le..Busy working =p..Talked bout working,im so sorry to my dear frens who oways dated me but i ffk..Keke..Paiseh ya..

Well,feel like talking the recent job..Last sat n sun ,3rd and 4th of April..I have worked in RTM..Which was actually a carniva(Sorakan 1 Malaysia,1 Dunia)..3 of the guys have worked as mascot for Bola Kampung while 2 of the gals as escot..Of coz im including in the escot..XD

Though its very hot standing and walking under a hot sun..I did enjoy it very much..When the moment we finished our performance on stage and get compliment during the last day,we were so excited though v did sum mistakes..Coz v did better than the 1st day..=p

Besides,when i saw all the kids shaking hands,hugging the mascot and snapping pic together after finishing the colouring contest..I felt touch..The scene was so familiar as i saw it b4..

Haha..And wat i really wish to say is thank you Jack and Raymond for guiding and helping me all the way..Felf sorry to them indeed..Sam fu sai you 2 ya..

Me and Sze To(Calvinz)..sounds jit doh in cantonese rite??=p

Me and Iwan (Ah Xian)..XD

Me and Kumar (Wee Lin)..^^

My boss~(Jack) =p

Boss jugak~(Raymon) ^^

With da Emcee..He is really great XD

And last one..Sure hav to syok sendiri geh..Haha =p

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