Sunday, October 10, 2010


101010 is a special and meaningful day.. Therefore, there are lots of activities and events on this day such as weddings, charity runs and etc.. And the Lions Club have organized a charity walk- Walk For Sight on this day. This is extremely meaningful as the main purpose of organizing and conducting this walk is to raise fund for the Eyes Clinic, which is to help those unfortunate who has lost their sights..

Though it's hard to wake up early in the morning, the respond today was excellent.. Thumb up for you guys who join this walk =)

Here's the warm up exercise before the walk.. It's a dance with funny posture and gesture with the song entitled 'Roti Canai".. LOL.. 1st time dance with so many people (few hundreds) and it's FUN!!!! Indeed!! XD

Our local celebrity - Alan Yung is invited to this event and he dances cutely on the stage.. Haha.. He's really fit and has nice body shape.. We gals keep on staring at him like ham sap poh.. LOL.. we gt the chance to take pic with him after the warm up dance.. Sweet-nya ^^

Here's my lesbo from Leo Club of KLCU.. Haha, lesbo is the name she gave me, so i address her as my lesbo also.. ^^ She's 18, which is same age with me.. It's hard to find such a young omega leo as i oways saw gor gor and jie jie.. Doesn't mean that they are old lak.. =p

1..2...3.. PoP.. After the opening ceremony, the walk started!! Wuhooo

Here's the lions.. 3 of them are blind flooded and only 1 of them is leading.. They looks cute and it's like a bunch of children playing there.. Guess they hav lots of fun.. =)

I feel touched the moment i saw tis picture.. This old lady has the spirit!! Young people should feel ashamed and learn from her.. ^^

Here's the group pic with KLCU leos.. They are friendly!!! LOve them so much ^^

Let's jump!!!! hahahaha XD

Lion Choo with us!! =p

SC galss of the day!!! =) Michelle not here tim.. lol

Lion Ian Wei and SC leosss~~~ ^^

Leo Papa, Mama, and all the babess~~~ Love tis very much.. and i think tis is the pic of the day!! ^^

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