Sunday, October 31, 2010

It does't matter ^^

2D1N Trip to Genting with Gold Fish Uncle- Calvin, Big Head Prawn- Nelson, Anime Cartoon- Max and Sui Po- Rui Ern.. The main purpose we went was bcoz it's our lovely prezzzi - Max Gor's bday!! =p Though onli few of us, we enjoyed pretty much during the trip^^ .. A lot of silly and funny things happened.. IT DOESN'T MATTER!! Lolx XD

We departed at around 9pm/10 pm bcoz poor little RE had meeting suddenly and she canot escape from that.. So, we went TS and waited for her and they had fun time playing there..

This pic macam Yes.. LOL.. Only geng in posing, coz he died in the game.. Hahahaha

Bicyle?? LOL.. Somehow i think that human are just too creative..

Here's another cute machine which will capture down your look when you are playing the game.. It's so funny when you see your fren's face appear on the screen when you are beating/killing / watever.. LOL

Went Goh Tong for Har Mee b4 we continued our journey to Genting.. The noodles was really awesome.. Coz it's so damn hard to get nice food at Genting.. Not to say No, just it's really Rare.. ^^

Finally we reached Theme Park Hotel..^^ My very 1st time going Genting with my own frens, without parents, sis or bro accompanied.. And actually i was quite sked and worry that 'those thing' will attack me or i can have a chance to meet them.. Luckily this hotel is pretty nice and clean.. It looks NEW!! Not looks la, it actually very new.. Haha.. ^^ And it's quite big and comfy.. The main point is- It's pinkish!!!! =p

After we settled down, we went Coffee Bean.. Everyone of us were carrying a lappy and were in black.. LOL.. it actually attracted lots of attention while we walking there.. Sad case =(.. I spent 4 hours to connect and on9 but i FAIL!!! >.< I'm the only one who canot on9 le.. Ended up playing with I-Phone.. LOL

We went back room at around 4 sth and had drinking + card session.. 1 canned of beer cost RM 14.. LOL.. Genting really knows how to do business.. Haha.. I seriously need to learn and train my drinking.. I think 2 canned can gao dim me edy.. LOL.. I only gt to finished 1 canned ++ and thanks Nelson for helping me the 2nd canned.. He drinks like he's drinking water =.=... Onli Calvin and him good in drinking and 3 of us... Faces hong bok bok lo...=p LOL.. But i guess everyone hav fun coz we created lots of jokes.. Haha

Crazy things won't stop once we get high.. LOL.. We went Coffee Bean again the next day and every1 ordered cold drinks.. It's freezing cold outside where the wind was trying to blow the trees up.. Haha.. A bit exaggerated ha.. But it sounds true.. Sat for hours under such condition is killing.. Everyone of us were actually shivering but we chose to torture ourselves.. We bought ice cream and stood nearby the roadside and everyone trying so hard to finish it..=.= Crazy rite?? Haha.. But it's fun!!! XD

What are we doing?? Haha.. We trying so hard to protect the candle from extinguishing..^^

Tadaaa~~~ Cheese Cake ^^ Though i don't really like cheese cake, it's quite yummy ^^

Happi Birthdaae Maxxie~~~^^ Hope you can grow bigger la.. No one will bliv you are 21 years old.. LOL.. Love tis pic so much.. So charming ^^

Leng Leng Rui Ern ^^

Nice pic^^.. Don't get cheated by his look.. He loves to bully me..>.<

Hahaha.. Cute rite?? He kills lots of galssss out there and is our mascot.. LOL

With leng leng Sui Po~ ^^ Pity her for wearing a short pants and shivering non-stop there..Haha

With Nelson~^^ Jealous him for having fair skin.. Sumtimes i feel like killing him..LOL

tis ^^

This is really an awesome trip.. You guys made my days!!! Love spending time with you guys as i can laugh non-stop.. Hahaha.. Hope ther's another one^^


I'm really touch!!! When i saw your blog talking that you felt sorry for canot go Genting with me.. I felt warm!! Though you are not with me, your soul are with me and it's really warm!! ^^

And my sui po Chyng texted me.. Sorry for making you worry =(.. I don't know ther's an serious accident until you told me.. If i charged my fon, i will get to reply you and won't make u worry so much.. Really touch and warm when i received ur text^^

I you gals so much~~ You gals are forever my babesss.. my sui possss.. my dearsssss... my darlingssss... my everything... Though we x meet up and talk as much as those days.. i still feel warm and touch when i know that you gals care for me.. T.T My tears almost drop when i saw that.. You gals are always with me 'physically'.. Know why?? I'm hugging our pillow everyday when i sleep^^ I feel so sweeeet.. Love ING so much~~~ ING gave me a lot of memory that won't fade!! Muacksssss


  1. awww ying~~~~ sui po u made my tears drop when i saw our photo...miss u ying!!!

  2. hehe.. you made mine drop as well when saw you so gan jiong bout the ying at genting^^
