Sunday, October 3, 2010

Balinese + Over Time

Yesterday went KL Perennial 8th Anniversary at The Uma Restaurant.. The dinner started at 7 pm but were reached there around 8pm or 8.30 pm =.= .. I'm sorry because I'm the one who caused the late.. Raining cats and dogs caused serious jam all the way and my speed was super duper constant, which was not more than 25km/h.. @.@ Sighhhh

Though we were late, we still attended the dinner.. The moment we pushed the door, everyone were looking at us and 'WAH ! ' (means so late).. I felt more guilty and embarrassed >.<.. LOL.. Then Fred and Hsin Yung waved to me and i quickly went there to hide myself.. Haha.. Because of the late, all the food had finished up and we gt nothing to eat.. LOL.. I felt more guilty la.. >.<.. Luckily Steven added some of the food and at least we got something to eat.. Thanks Steven for saving me and reduced little bit of my guiltiness.. Hehe.. The food was quite yummy tho.. ^^

Met lots of frens in their dinner like my best Bros Justin, Fred, Dylan, Hsin Yung, Leng luis Elaine, Madeline, Ashley, May Jin, Some familiar faces from KB, Some familiar leos, some new frens and etc.. There were too many of them until i couldn't remember all.. =p There's funny things happened which Nelson, Max and Calvin dumped me.. They dont want me anymore and wanna send me to KL Perennial coz I kept on chit chatting with Fred, Dylan, Hsin Yung, Justin........ who were all from KL P and they said actually I'm one of the KL P's members.. Sob Sob =( .. Pity me being dumped by my own club.. They don't want me edy.. Wuhuhuhuhu..T.T But i know you all were kidding one.. You all still love me geh.. SC still love me geh.. LOL.. I die die oso sticked to SC edy.. Blek.. =p

Here's the group photo.. Happy 8th anniversary to KL Perennial ^^

After that, we went 2nd round at Sunway Giza.. There were lots of ppl and everywhere were FULL... Finally we found places at Over Time to chill.. My bro was there too.. Haha.. What a fate^^ .. Then I brought Justin to meet him and chat for while as they didn't meet up for long time edy..

Barrel of alcohol @.@ ... They were crazy! LOL

Haha.. Glad to know some of the crazy ppls here.. Especially Elaine, Kim, Francis and Alex.. My stomach was upset because of them..* Laughed too much edy* LOL.. They were really nice.. Thumbs up for them =) .. Haha.. Max's face was as red as an apple after drinking few glasses.. You will really laugh when you saw his face.. LOL.. Then thanks to Nelson for being the one who teased by me all the time.. I really laugh out loud when he speechless.. Of coz Calvin not exceptioned.. He bullied by me also.. I grabbed something from him and I didn't return to him.. IT's now with me.. HAhaHahaha...* evil smile* Too bad Ling got replacement class.. If not we can bully them together.. ^^

Hmmmm.. Here's my sincere apologies to Calvin, Nelson and Max.. I was shocked when I saw so many missed calls and msgs.. Really sorry la.. Yesterday reached home that time daddy still awake and playing Rami.. I was so sked that he will scold me.. Then I quickly hang the keys and went upstairs liao.. Haha, My fon was in silent mode and it couldn't wake me up when i was sleeping.. Soweeeeee~~~ *+ 90 degree bow *

Aiksss.. Though daddy din scold me yesterday, I cant escape it today also.. This time was together with mummy and sis sumore coz we were watching drama in living room.. T.T He asked me to quit Leo sumore.. I was like OMG.. Can't you agree and understand more bout me as a leo? Im doing wat i like and it's not harmful, but very meaningful..Sumore it didn't affect my studies also =( .. I noe you are worry me, so i just kept quiet and nod my head, didn't voice out my thinking.. Maybe reduced my outings will do.. Hmmmm.. it's quite hard for me as I'm born to be outgoing.. Hehe.. So, maybe become Cinderella and reached home b4 12am.. ^^

Haha.. As i oways said, it's worth to get scolded sometimes when I really had fun.. Well, this time was not exceptional too =p .. Haha.. It was really a nice fellowship with you guys.. It did made my day ^^ ..


  1. eiiiiii! i went Giza Sunway also :D

    i went Tao

  2. LOL..u shud tell me and mayb we can meet up for while.. haha.. Tao nice?? quite famous leh..
