Sunday, December 26, 2010

Awesome Christmas Celebration =)

How do you celebrate your Christmas?? This year i had an awesome one!! ^^ A little bit special, memorable, as well as excited Christmas.. For my family, Christmas normally isn't that important and doesn't really play a role, but it becomes rather significant this year =)

Normally youngsters like us will gather and go somewhere countdown during Christmas eve, feel the atmosphere of Christmas, spray each other and etc... However, i did none of the above.. So, what did i do on Christmas eve???

Tadaaaa~~~ I caught my mummy and dye her hair.. XD She looked very unwillingly rite?? Haha.. Coz it's already 10pm sth and she kept blaming that washing hair at late night is very bad for health..So she don't want to dye at this time.. But i was too bored and got nothing to do at all.. I insists of dying and kept begging/persuading/convincing..............

And finally..... Ngek ngek ngek.. i won!!! XD She guai guai sat there and let me played with her hair.. She sumore posed for me to take picha.. Promoting Liese???? Hahaha.. My mummy so cute rite?? =p

Hehe.. here i started to dye mummy's hair.. I felt that I'm a part time shampoo girl while dying her hair coz there's too many bubblesssss =p

Not only that, my bro became my "customer" too XD Since his hair is so short, one bottle is enough for both of them.. And i done my job after 30 mins =p

Hmmmm.. don't know why i'm so tired and exhausted.. I couldn't really wait till 12a.m and countdown for Christmas.. Is this a symptom of getting older ?? LOL.. Luckily i didn't silent my fon and able to wake myself up while receiving wishes from frensss, so that i can wish everyone too ^^ But right after that, i slept like a pig in just a minute or two!! =p

On Christmas Day, family suddenly planned to have a picnic.. I kinda like this kind of family gathering bcoz it's very sweet and warm!! I felt loved!! ^^

Haha.. playing with spec in the car on the way goin to our picnic destination..^^ They look so funny but adorable..

Finally we reached!! Hehe.. i don't know where isit, but it's near Templer Park and there's lots of monkeys.. Though I'm "monkey", I'm afraid of monkey too =(

We found a nice place and had our picnic there.. The little boss was pointing and instructing the "oldss" to do their job! =p Hehe, after that, we sat down and enjoyed our lunch ^^

Hmmm.. what are they looking at??? Actually there's monkeys on the tree.. Haha, that's why Hang Hang was so worry that they will come over and snatch the food.. Tis is so called "eat oso eat till mm on lok" =p

Haha.. i think tis picha express his feeling the best!! XD

After eating, after worrying.... It's time to hav fun!!! ^^

And he's smiling!! =) He edy forgot bout the monkeysss.. LOL

Me and the little cutie~ ^^ me??? i look so cute =p LOL.. *syok sendiri-ing.. Hahahaha

While everyone of us were playing in the water, daddy and mummy were pak to-ing there.. Hehe, so sweeeettt of them ^^

Here's their lovely daughter~~ ^^

Hahaha.. all look so funny!!! *likey likey*

Brother sister Love ^^

Haha.. Bro plans to change his pants b4 getting in the car but there's no towel for him.. A yoga map to cover??????? LOL.. looks like a raped case in the jungle.. He felt so ashamed and end up he insists of wearing the wet one.. =p

I love my daddy mummy so muchhhh!!! <3Shoes shoes~~~^^ Oways took tis kind of picha wit frendssss, but tis is the very 1st time i took with my family =)

Hehe.. picha before leaving ^^

So cute and naisss rite??? There's Doraemon, Doraemee, Spongebob, Squarafeet, Hello Kitty, Christmas Tree, Christmas Socks, Mickey and Minnie!!! My nails are all painted with cartoon!!! Love them so much.. Thanks to my sis-in-law.. LOVE

Here's a closer view of it^^ She took long time to paint them and seriously, i like them and appreciate them a lot!! One of the best christmas presents ^^

Haha.. on the same day, bbq at fren's house at night.. Actually it's also a birthday celebration of one of my frens, but we make it a surprise one^^ As usual, we had gift exchange session! =p We had fun during this session as we created load of jokes!! But embarrassment happened on me when i drew the gift.. =.= It's from a guy that had rumors with me before.. OMG!!! Everyone was shouting here and there and make fun of us.. They requested us to dance sumore.. LOL.. Embarrass till the max!! Blush till the max =.=

Haha.. Here are some of the picha of the night^^

BBQ !! ^^

Same pose^^

Likey likey~~^^

Hahahaha.. So ugly but cute =p

Galsss in the house~^^

Our presentss under Christmas tree~~^^

And here's we galsss again~~lolx

The birthday boi- Mr Ka V ^^

He never has a gf before, but he has 12 gfsss today!! XD

The popular gift of the day- Spongebob!! Don't noe why so many ppl bought this.. But he's quite cute! ^^

People who gt the mug! ^^

Umbrella ^^

Bottle ^^

Soft toy ^^

Ear-phone ^^

And this is??? the zap ba lang category =.= LOL

Here's the people who attended the party with bare handed =p

LZ gang~~ Love this so much!!

Hehe.. my Christmas doesn't end like tis.. =) On the next day, went shopping with family after breakfast ^^ Felt so lovely as it has been a long time since i woke up early in the morning and join them.. Hehe.. as you noe, somehow we youngsters prefer slumber than everything!! XD

Parents bought me a new bottle and a pair of shoes^^ ... Hehe.. So sweeetttt~~~~ Perhaps i used to shop and buy for myself, and now daddy mummy are doing the paying part!! Hehe!! Awesome!!! *showing thumb* I treat them as my Christmas gift as well =)

Little pinky^^

Weeee~~~~~~ Love this shoes so much!!!!! Thankiew daddy mummy ^^

My bestiesss in college!! ^^ Wai keng bought us the ginger man all the way from Genting~ =)

She's so cute!! She edited few picha for us sumore ^^

Not only that, i received gift from my lovely babe- Sui Po Ling oso T.T... So touching!! The moment i saw the gift and card on the table when coming back from yum cha, i felt like crying!! She's really warm my heart!! And i do like it!! Appreciate a lot!! Thankiew ling~~~~~~ You are the best gift that santa gave me ^^

Guess what inside??

It's a handmade cookies from my sui po!!! A Christmas tree!!! <3
My eyes became wet wet when reading the card line by line.. T.T you never know how touch am i and how sweet it can be T.T I love you my babe~~~~~ Muaaacccckkksssssssssssssssssss *Hug tight tight*

I M Y <3>

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