Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Class Trip- Bukit Tinggi

Weeeeee~~~~~~~I'm back!! Welcome me!! Hehe.. Went Bukit Tinggi with my bunch of boyfyy and girlfyy for 2D1N.. (Bfss and Gfss actually, but i think boyfyy and girlfyy sounds cuter =p).. Though we seldom met each other after graduated, this trip had strengthen our bond!! We are still the best frendss, best buddies, best gang ever!!! I seriously LOVE you guys a lot!! Though Bukit Tinggi is rather bored and gt nothing to play, it's an awesome trip!! I pretty sure everyone of us had fun and enjoyed till the max!!

Besides, i should also glad that Bukit Tinggi had only few places to visit and took photos.. It actually gave us a chance for heart to heart talk *wink wink* Hahaha.. but the way of heart to heart talk is rather different.. Because the boys forced us to play "True or Dare".. LOL.. It sounds scary at the 1st place, but i had fun joining this session coz i knew lots of secrets, and i love the way everyone expressing themselves ^^.. I felt so warm when everyone of us telling the truth, and there's no secret between one another.. Somehow may feel like there's no privacy, but shouldn't we be honest and sincere in front of our frens?? That's what a real fren should be!!! ^^

Though it's only 2 days, it made me reminds of our secondary school life where we used to spend all our time together.. It's worth to stick with you guys for 2 days.. Hehe.. Pillow talk is also the highlight of this trip.. Lying down and talking in the dark warm the coldness night, as well as my heart =)

Besides, we took loads of picha as well.. While I'm uploading the photosss, my heart is really upset.. I started to miss you guys and feel touch looking at those picss.. Everyone has glowing cheeks and glitter eyes!! I bet many of you had suffered much in coll or uni, and not able to have a close and understanding fren.. This is because we are too AWESOME!!! XD Hehe, let's see how fun is our trip!!

All girls~~ <3
And with all the boys~~

Love this picha so much~~ So cool!!! XD

Guai Lou request to take picha with us~~ Weeee *syok syok* XD

My bunch of crazeee frensss~~^^

With the fur that HY found ^^

LOL.. everyone look so funny!! =p

At Japanese Town..Everyone trying to be EMO =p

Swin like a fish??? XD

Hahaha.. Love this so much~~

Haha, we used to take tis kind of picha~

1st Christmas with you guys!!! So sweet!!


ING~~ We have all grown up ^^

Last group photo before we end our trip~~ Love you guys so muchhh~~ Muacksss

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