Friday, March 19, 2010

♥ Love♥

Im sorry grandpa..Besides sorry i really duno wat else can i say..I knew i have hurt you..And maybe you are angry now..But i really shame to attend for tat dinner..I dont think u should treat me,coz in fact,im really not gud compare to him..

I know tat im so wrong to let u tis old man sitting there n wait for me..Just for a dinner =(..Though i told mummy passed the msg to you..It doesn't work as wat i expected..At last,i called you too..And i promised to date you tis sunday..

Im stupid >.<..When i talking bout sunday..The feeling was just so weird,i felt like i got sth to do on tat day..Working??NO...I just couldnt remember wat isit..Once v said bye bye,it cames to my mind..OHhhh..Its jun yuan..I promised him to go out wif them on tat day..

Im such a forgetful n careless person..How can i?The dinner postpone again?I hoped so..But daddy told me the dinner was cancelled!And you were angry >.<...Im sorry...Maybe most of ur anger is cause by disappointment..I shoud understand and know ur feeling more..=(

Im touch tat u treat me so good..The reward u gave me is just...I never expect so much of them..When daddy told me,i stunned for while coz i couldnt believe tat..Im really touch T.T..You have showered me wif your loves and cares all the way i grew..I did appreciate ^^..

Maybe i should'nt think so much and go for the dinner..Just treat it like a normal dinner but not special for mine..Now,i goin to date you on monday..And its my bill^^..The 1st meal i treat you wif my salary..Hope you wont angry anymore oh..Sayang sayang~~

I love you,my grandpa..I promise tat i wont let u down..And i enjoy being the youngest,which you sayang the most =p..Stay healthy and happy oways..Do take k of urself too,kay?Muacksss

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