Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What A Day..

Today was my 1st day having lecture in college =p...Unfortunately, it started at 8am.. Ewwwwww ~.~ Seriously,I dun like morning class.. It's so hard for me to climb out from my warmly blanket and left my lovely bed..Bcoz i slept very late the previous nite,had a nice and fun chatting session XD ...

When i got myself ready and done for everyting ,i left.. The irritating part was i canot start my engine, even the key oso canot turn =.= Haiz..my 1st time facing this problem.. I woke daddy up and checked for me..And he taught me the way to start engine when facing this kind of situation.. Well, i dun hav the patience to listen for his explanation and every single words at that moment bcoz im goin to be late..Im sorry,daddy..

Facing the car's problem early in the morning had disturbed my mood..When i saw the red light blinking blinking, showing that i goin to run out of petrol + a little bit traffic jam........ It made me mad,indeed.. I really have to blame my brother for using the car,but not FEEDING him..Hmph!

Thanks god i could reach college.. Today's lecture was quite okay for me.. Lecturer were quite humor and better than what i expected.. Miss Chai,who taught me IT made me laughed a lot because of her lame jokes^^ .. LOL.. What will happen when google meet apple?? Every1 was thinking so hard to guess sth bout IT..And came out with answers like Goople?? Out of expectation, the answer is Google will eat Apple because an Apple a day,keeps the doctor away..
Omg! every1 was really,=.= sweat ..

Haha,i do believe the class will be fun since i hav a good lecturer.. At least you dont make me sleep =p.. Besides, those guys sitting behind my roll today were funny,indeed.. I dont know how to explain by words.. I dont know them, just talked 1 or 2 sentences today..And the onli word to descride them besides funny,it's still funny.. And i love you gals, Xuan,Wan Teng,Wai King and Bowie..We are the 5 gals who sit together nowadays ^^

My lovely college, i have high hopes to you.. Hope you wont let me down..And, i know you wont!! XD

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