Friday, January 7, 2011

2 Down, 3 to Go

Haha.. i hope i won't fail too!!! I've been studying this sub for days =p

Slept for less than 2 hours and woke up continue studying my Tamadun Islam & Asia 1a.m. this morning...

Wootzz.. it's already been 14 hours ago.. and i'm still survive here.. impressive ha?? LOL.. =)

And why am i so relaxing blogging here???

I'm having 5 days break before my next paper ^^ .. Wuhooooo~~~~

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next friday will be having my PR paper and saturday will be having my mass media paper =.=

Don't feel like having combo for that, but i've gt no choice >.<

Hehe.. hopefully i will study hard during this break ba.. Both PR and mass media paper are nt easy.. So have to work very hard on them..

Before starting my revision, let's hav a-day-break.. XD

And now, i'm going to have my little sweet nap ^^

Wish myself luck and all the best!!! ^w^

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