Sunday, January 23, 2011

Holidaeeee =)

Time to update my bloggie ^^

My 1st week of holiday was really busy and tiring, yet it was fun =)

Right after my paper, i went yum cha with my dear sui poss.. Only 3 of us , and we do have few hours of heart to heart talk.. I felt loved and sweet <3 Really love you gals so much ^^

On the second day, went 1u with sister and we shopped for her bday's lucky draw present at Sasa.. Hmmmm.. well, we spent lots on skin care, mask and etc.. Coz our skin are really not in good condition these days.. And these little thinggy cost us around 400 -500++..=.= I'm broke after that.. =(

On Wednesday, suppose went shopping with sis for clothes coz she set dress code for her birthday party.. Unfortunately, i met with an accident while delivering cake to popo's house and end up spending time in police station.. LOL.. Well, new updates ^^ I can now claim from the driver's insurance coz his car is not under government, though he is =p That's consider a good news thou.. =) Waiting my little green to come back home after operation.. I miss you so much.. For a driver, life without car is really suffering =(

On Thursday, I still went shopping with my sis.. LOL.. wondering how we went?? It was Thaipusam and bro was not working..So sis drove his car and that's our shopping day^^ Spent lots on cosmetics and clothes also.. Another 400-500++ flew away~~~ I seriously gt no idea where's the money went @.@

On Friday, which is my sis's pre-birthday celebration, I stayed home and lifted a finger to mummy and daddy..=( I suppose went Low Yat for meeting and sing k celebration..But I'm sick and gt no transport..=( My body really mm zang hei.. don't allow me to hav fun.. I suppose i will gone crazy if i join the sing k session with them =p

It's my sis's birthday party!!!! Woke up early in the morning and helped to blow all the balloons, hang them up, cut vege and etc.. And i cut my fingers too.. LOL.. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. My market value seriously will go down if everyone know that my cooking skill is so sucks.. LOL =p Have lots of fun on that night ^^ Happy earlier birthday to my pweety sis ^^

And what's bout today??? I just came back from a charity dinner.. They invited the orphans to come over and enjoyed the dinner.. Not only that, there's performance from the children too ^^ They are amazing!!! They seriously can dance well.. Thumb up for them ^^ Hehe.. And i felt so touch when i found out my family are very supportive now.. They are so active in doing charity now, which is a good news to me as a leo ^^

Hmmmm.. i think that's more than enough for me.. i should really stay home and rest well for the following days.. =)

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