Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hahahaha..facebook is full with numbers now!! Everyone is playing with the numbers and status updates^^ When you saw someone posted:
" Inbox or message me any number between 0 and 10000.
I'll make my status your number and write what I think about you.
Fun thing is, only you and me know what your number is.
Have fun! =D "
Just send them a number and see wat they think bout you.. ^^ hahahahah.. and i got some of the feedback =p Feel like posting it here as memory^^ It's so sweet and warm while looking at their post ^^

hmmmmm meet u during year 2006 ah~~ our alpha leo d join project hahaha~~ actually hor i adi heard of u b4 meet u d~~ hehe u r very cute lor then hor cute nvm on d phone hor ur sound memang macam small kid saja no also can jadi say yes wan haha.... ;p
‎0227, you're chubby and i like it! are good in designing and D.I.Y thats why you've been nominated as ketua keceriaan for years. we should yumcha oftenly and i miss you guys!!
‎0227 ♥ 1st time heard about you is from enqian.XD haha. she told me :" eh, xxx cousin very lenglui le. study my class le......." then,she introduce me to you. we even write letter to each other? haha.dunno where the letter go ad. yes, 1st impression for me is, lenglui+cute. own a pair of big eyes that i wouldn't have forever. =('re nice and take care of ppl=))
‎0227 remember we hugged and cried together at your house? we play ZHA BOBO. HAHAHAH!!!steamboat, pack cookies, stole chocolate cookies stick at your home..nice memory OMG! and you're super smart in study. can even study until vomit.=.= take care a dear. dun so bok meng la. ♥ luv ya.muackssss...
‎0227~ i nvr noe u until i think f3?but i noe u got many admirers since f1...thats the only thing i noe about u in the eraly days...haha...v used to b joking around in class n whenever on outing...v may not very close to each other but it is fun to hav u around...u wont care about things too much n that is wat makes u a fun person...thx for being the co-ordinator for most of our events n bday celebrations...
‎0227~ i believe u r a gud fren to share problems wif...sometimes u can giv gud suggestions which help a lot...u rmb every details about us n understand all of us very well...u noe how to treat us differently...i hope v wil remain as gud frens n continue joking around whenever all of us r around...=)
‎0227 Your voice. Honestly, got shocked when I first time hear it. 'Teh' neh~ Hahaa. You're a cute girl! Friendly. You like to smile. Remember that I said you, always the same 'smile' while photo shooting? lol. I love that time we stayed over night together, because of club's event. Making up, chat until midnight... Oh yea, one more thing. You like to hug people! Hahaa. But I like it. [Hug] ♥
you ahhh~~~ my dear.......
so so so so busy de girll~~~ want see you also hard o......
hahaha........just so misss you laa......
is ok..... my bday already enough le...i very man zhu~
...get ur wish i jiu happy lee.....hahaa~~~i so wei da~~=P
watever laaa~ i hope u can study well well and find a partner same as the 0220 la.........if got it must tell me wor~~~~ hehee......muackz♥
Ei, can u don't write me until that obvious? I KNOW YOU KNOW ME REALLY REALLY WELL, is like the worm inside my stomach, but you're still the BIG FAT WORM!!! Break UP is the first thing come out from ma mind when think about ya~! You meant a lot in ma life, cause we used to hang out like a couple but not couple, more like brothe...r and sister.
Monkeyz Sean
2011, I like to see you when you rushing for assignment, LOOK LIKE THE ANT ON THE FIRE!!! HAHA, glad that you're my friend, but recently you so bad, cannot date you for outing, always assignment and class... Please lah... Pity me la, hang out together la, and last, you're my best best friend forever^^
‎0416- i remember i 'know' u since form1, cuz every1 keep saying u leng lui xD luckily i met u again in form4 =p we became fren for real~hehe, n i realised tat u r reli reli a good person, there might be thousands of bad rumours about u, but i knew tat those werent true, cuz now i know who u r, my sui po =) always so loving+lovable, o caring, sweet, motivative~ reli happy to know u ah, muacks ♥

p.s IDK wat's wrong with the font =.= edited but still like tat.. sowee~~

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