Friday, March 12, 2010

Complicated feeling~

Well,finally i create this took me more than half an hour bcoz im stupid XD...Hoho,1st thing tat i feel great is bcoz ing hav finally gathered over so sorry to my dear,u all hav waited me for so long..soweee~~ i was quite upset and moody actually..Bout study,future,choosing course and.....However,after hav some talks wif fren,i feel good now..moody gone..shoo shoo..=p I'm happy tat when i'm moody n upset,my fren are at my sides supporting me n comforting me..awww~~tats sweet enuf for me..i do appreciate our frenship..*wink*

Is 18 good??Im still wondering though..For me,i would say its a big challenge n difference.. Everything is just so different tat i hav to do my own decision n there's no one who arrange for me..I hav to grow up n being responsible for the choice i made..gambateh ying!!I will hav a clear mind soon..Thats wat i believe ^^

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