Saturday, March 13, 2010


Thanks my lovely sis,calvinz and nicholes for staying wif me for the whole day in edu fair...I knew you all were bored..Hehe,thankieww so so so much~~I tot today i went will be end up like last time too,didnt know anything,just bring all the broucher home and recycle..*evil smile*

At 1st i tot of studying pr or food science and nutrition...When i walked around and asked,i found tat my interest in food science n nutrition is not really strong..I cant imagine my life sitting in lab and study everyday..It would be suffer n bored to me..And 1 thing tat was really funny was,the consultant can really see wat am i interested to..She said tat,from ur look i can noe u like mass communication more than wat food science and nutrition...XD She is just so smart..Haha..

Yea..tats sound true..My interest to pr is stronger than any others..Just tat,every1 asked me not to study pr,but a professional course like doctor,pharmacyst......Tats why i swayed..But,now i hav found my way...Now onli i noe pr is not as easy as wat i tot..Pr actually is also a professional course and play an important role..Just tat v din realise..

HMmm..Im happy tat its under a professional course..but i found tat its really tough n challenging..I hope i can encounter all the problems..But i just like it..What to do??Haha..cant wait to study n see how challenging it is..ngek ngek ngek~~

Another things tat im happy is bcoz i can get full scholarship...woohoooo~~100% man...really feel great to study without paying..Daddy n mummy feel happy too..Can see their face,smile till canot see their eyes..Weeee~~~happy to see tat^^..But of coz i hav to maintain my result..If not my scholar bye bye..Its bit tough though,but nothing is easy rite??Hehe

Now,im ready to become a pr..cant wait to start my coll..Im just too excited..=p But im oso afraid of 1st day,the day which hav to stay alone,no fren,no dear,no dude...Hope tat i can get to noe some frens ther...Gambateh n good luck~^^

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