Monday, March 15, 2010

Stupid cupboard!!

Arhhh~~stupid cupboard!!I really duno how many times u wan to drop..This is the 5th times in tis week d..Im really pissed with u!!

I was in a good mood choosing wat to wear 2molo..But out of sudden,*pang pang*,the whole tiang to hang my clothes drop again..I force to hang all the clothes bak and they are really HEAVY!! Its okay,i noe its my fault coz i busybody go hang in all the clothes which i took out last time..

When i almost done 80%..*pang pang*,the thing dropped again...Arhhhhhhhh~~~~~~Thats the 6th time..Im almost burst to cry..Its just too annoying!Im exhausted @.@...30% of the clothes hav now sleeping on my floor coz i dun wanna watch the 3rd time in the same day *faint*

Hey cupboard,this is the last warning!!Dont force me to pack all the clothes and recycle if u dare to drop AGAIN!!I will let u know the feeling of loneliness without all the clothes be with u..


  1. too much baju is like tat d loo~~
    u see my cupboard~
    hong liao liao~~
    wan it drop oso cant XD

  2. haha! u very funny lorrr
    let the cupboard lonely xD

  3. ling-aiyo..really gek sam 1 lo..find 1 day really nid to see wat clothes dunwan n recycle liao =p

    yun-dear oso gt blog de ah?add me add me,i duno how to follow ppl o>.<
