Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Miss ♥ ♥ ♥~~

I dont know why i miss YOU so much right now..Suddenly all the memories like tv programmes,showing 1 by 1 in my brain..We do hav a lot of memories..Still remember the time we share our laughter,sadness,anger together..No matter wat happen,we are the one sticking together all the times..

I really miss high skul's life..If there's a chance,i will definitely stay ther again..Bcoz,i hav YOU with me..The days we copy homeworks 2gether..Chit chat from 7.30 till skul finish,And continue chatting during tuition,sms and msn...Ponteng together and form a rombongan toilet..Our beloved Repunzel show..And a lot a lot a lot more..Arhhh...I miss those time very very much,really i do..>.<

Coz we hav no secrets at all at tat time..And we know each other,not onli the appearance,but the deepest side hiding in the heart..But now,we dont chat as much as those days..Every1 is busying wif our own life..Im sorry..Really sorry tat im not with u when u are down and having so much problems with u.. I promise!!I swear!!YOU are really important in my life..I told YOU,i cant imagine my life without YOU..So,remember our promise at those days..Its not onli for those days,but forever..I MISS YOU ♥ ♥ ♥~~~~~~~~~~~*Hugzzs*
Long long time ago =p

Ing forever~muacksss

Luv YOU~~=3


  1. ying u notti lo...make me eyes wet wet~~~
    i love you too ying~~~~~~=)

  2. lol..i oso eyes wet wet when typin tis blog ma..coz v really miss n luv each other~^^

  3. the third eye wet wet ppl come liao Q.Q ~~ hehe
    love u guys~~ muackss~
