Saturday, September 4, 2010

Leo School + Movie Day

Grown Ups~~~ Is a nice movie, thumb up for it.. Hehehe.. I watched the 2nd time today with ling, max and nelson... The 1st time was during last sunday, after my mass comm paper.. Hehe, i sneaked out and had a break, to relax myself coz the last paper - electronic media paper was on thurs.. As shown in the pic above, you'll really laugh from start to finish...really LOL... XD

Hehe.. b4 movie session, 4 of us actually went to Leo School in Methodist Boy School... Actually 5 of us la, coz Seng Han left early and went to work.. This is oso the reason why we went- to represent him..LOL... Thanks ling for sacrifice your swimming time and accompanied me^^.. We left home 6.50 around 7 and reached around 8 @.@ ... What a tiring day...

LOL.. but something shameful happened today lak... i LOST d.. >.<.. i tot i noe the way to nelson's hse.. last time i reached oso.. But... why tis time like tat de?? Why will lost de?? Hmmmm.. Mayb i drove too fast d gua..>.<>

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