Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Yeah.. today went shopping with my sister and her bf.. HmmmMM.. Quite a long time didn't shop edy.. Well.. i mean crazy shop.. which is wat we call shopaholic, lost control tat type.. =p

Bought some clothes and shoes today.. Spend bit much with these items, and i think i will be goin to declare that: I'm broke, soon.. Aiksss.. onli first few days of my holidayss, and i edy spend so much.. How am i goin to survive for da following weeks?? Dinner, Yum Cha, Sing K, Movie.................................. Ther's a lot more waiting for me..

Aiksss... Too bad im having holiday and my pockey money get discounted from my mummy T.T .. And i think my salary for the previous jobs will not stay long in my bank XD ... Not bcoz of i dunwan to save them, just that.... Hmmmm, sometimes is really hard to control.. Shopping, that's wat gal live for, right?? =p

I think i hav to limit myself a bit edy.. Hmmm.. Not no more shopping la.. Awwwww~~~ That's too cruel for me >.< .. Hehe.. Mayb shop lesser and buy lesser?? Alright, it sounds cool.. Deal!!!! XD Will shop again in this holiday i guess..^^

Oh ya, not to forget.. Welcome home my dear chyng.. Miss you and luv u much ^^

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