Thursday, September 2, 2010


Weeeee~~~~ finally my final was overed and everything was ended... No more burning midnight candles and bury myself in the books and notes XD.. Though i don't really like exam, i realize this is the only way that force me to study..LOL.. don't know why the term force just sounds right =p... Haha, but is not a pessi one la, at least i learn sth and know what am i studying..

Hehe...just feel like this semester shouldn't pass like this... Maybe it's too fast for me.. hmmmmm... The feeling is like yesterday was my 1st day studying in college, and today my 1st semester ended edy.. LOL.. is just like a dream.. But, i think is a sweet and wonderful one..^^

Hmmmmm... the onli thing i worry is----------my result >.<..... Damn sked la.. Not because of i din study, just that........ Hmmmmm... I duno why i just worry.. Maybe i think too much ???? Hehe... This is my 1st time sitting for final in this college.. Hope it will be a nice n pretty result ^^

Haha.. after sitting for so many papers, today's was the best (^w^)... 1st time i can sit there and gt time to check for my answer.. And i know how to answer all the questionssss.. (i guess)... Hehe, its just like the notes have scanned in my brain =p... Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~ 1st time i feel like an 'A' is in my hand...Hohohohohoohoo... But only for this paper la.. LOL XD...

Now wat can i do is onli keeping my fingers cross and pray hard... *Alleluya* ^^

Heheheheheheheh..and of coz... Enjoy my holidayssss.... Weeeeeeeeeeeeee.. im getting excited edy XD

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