Sunday, September 26, 2010

Take care, Eson !

The main character of this post will be Eson. =)
And he is the middle man in black..

Eson is going to Japan to further up his studies for 3 or 4 years, I'm not sure.. But it definitely will be a long period.. Therefore, he had invited all of us to join his farewell party at The Bank on Saturday night before leaving.. It might be the last and the onli chance for us to meet up.. Whoever missed this, perhaps he or she has to wait for couple of years.. Of coz i went!!! Coz we were so good last time.. Not to say that we aren't good now, just that we didn't contact as much as those days =p

The Bank.. It is located at Kelana Jaya Lakeside ^^

Is a pub with nice lightning effect =p

Not bad huh?

I didn't sign this coz i went ther late and i onli get to know the existence of this card when i viewed the pics in FB..what a sigh T.T

It was an awesome night as i actually met a lot of old friendss there.. Hmmm.. i think we didn't meet each other after graduating.. Is hard to meet up sometimes as everyone is busying with their own life, and of coz I'm not exception too =p .. Well, it was really a great opportunity to gather everyone and updated each other.. I was freaking excited when i met Cai Yun, Wen Yi, Kit Mun and Pui Mun.. Awwwww.. I miss you girls crazily.. We enjoyed chatting, playing cards, joking, laughing, drinking, dancing, taking pics and etc.. I guess these are what girls will usually do when they meet up.. XD

I guess we were too bored that we actually took turns and draw the cards.. Whoever had the smallest number will be punished by drinking.. I think this is the way to finish the alcohol fast.. LOL.. We laughed a lot during this session.. Besides, Wai Yao and Erwinn also cheered us by showing some magics.. Haha, though there're some mistakes and they caught by me, it was still a shocking one.. Let's just ignore the mistakes part.. LOL.. No wonder they kept on mentioning that magic can only be shown for the first time, and there's no 2nd time.. Now i know the reason why.. Haha.. Well, you guys still can use this tactic to go after gals la, quite impressed one.. =p

Met seat yein, cai yun,korea fishball and michelle ^^

The girlss =)

Here's the Deejays of da day ^^ .. They are quite successful as everyone there gone wild.. The atmosphere was just too high and no one can actually stand for it and danced like nobody business.. LOL..

Everyone is dancing and gone wild ^^

Eson, Let's enjoy yourself like this before leaving.. XD

LOL.. Victor was too high and he really gone wild =)

Overall was great! But im suffering from headache after that,i really had no idea why T.T.. I didn't drink much as i had phobia, i sked i will get drunk again.. So i was taking very good care of myself by controlling how much i drank.. very good gal * thumb up* LOL.. But it's okay to suffer as the folks say ' enjoy now, suffer later'.. Oopppsss, i changed it.. Haha, whatever it is, hope Eson enjoy himself till the max ^^..

To Eson:
Do take very good care of yourself at Japan kay? All the best in your studies and future undertaking ya.. Stay clam all the time! Though i know it's quite hard for you coz you are born so.. But don't let us worry bout you as you are now alone in the other end of the world.. Think twice before taking any actions kay? Keep in touch and feel free to visit us during your break or holidays! Miss ya~~ ^^

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