Saturday, November 13, 2010

96 hours

Hehe.. let me update what's going on with me recently.. Hmmm.. I had been rushing assignment since last sat till wed morning.. It's really mad!! Why would i named it as 96 hours? Coz ther's 96 hours in 4 days, but i only slept for 4 hours out of that 96 hours???? Or maybe lesser.. =.= LOL.. really mad!!!

Slumber is pretty sweet and warm for me since that.. I have 4 hours nap right on the day after submission.. Haha.. it sounds longer than my slumber compare to the 4 days.. =p Though it may be tough, i hope the outcome will be rewarded.. If not no point for me to sacrifice my slumber and rushing madly there..grrrrrrrrr.. Marksss!! You better watch out.. Hahaha..

LOL.. the moment i saw this picha.. it reminds me of my classmates during that week.. So cute.. Everyone looked exactly like tis during tat period ^^ Burning midnight candle and rushing in the middle of the night together with frens is sweet.. Hehe.. =p

Sometimes i think that human are really hard to understand.. When there's no time for you to sleep, you craving for that, but when ther's plenty you don't feel like sleeping, but do any other things else..Haha.. I'm one of them =p After finish rushing, I felt that i'm really free and duno why the whole world can feel that i'm happy and free.. Hehe.. Good thou..^^ What is so important than my slumber?? DRAMA!!! LOL.. I've been watching 'yuan lai shi mei nan', a korean drama from Wed and now, i finished watching edy =p Coz i watched 10 epi in one day.. Hehe.. It's nice and funny!! And of coz there are leng zais and leng luiss ^^

After talking bout assignment and drama.. let's talk bout 11 November.. Hehe.. what is so special on this 11.11? Actually nothing special, just bcoz it's my lovely mummy birthday.. So i would like to make it a memorable one here.. Hehe..

Mummy ah mummy.. thankiew for conceiving a baby like me and allows me to born in this lovely family.. I love you so much.. muakcsssss!!!!!! <3 Though sometime i might "fatt pei hei" or showing face, i don't mean it.. Just cant manage my emotions well and you noe i have bad temper de la.. Hehe.. Soweee~~ Will try to handle it well ^^

Picture will be uploaded soon after i get the cable from my bro.. stay tuned ya =)

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