Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Penang Beach Cleaning!

Yeah! I'm back and reached home safety! Before i depart to Penang, my fren asked me not to go because there's taufan in Penang.. However, i'm still going bcoz it'a a leo project.. Cross District Project =p.. 1st time going so far for project, of coz i wouldn't miss the chance.. Hehe

Woke up early in the morning on Saturday (20th Nov) and waited Max at Kelana Jaya LRT Station to pick me up and go for the gathering point. We departed at around 9 and had some ice breaking session in the bus. Some of the sor lou jamming in the bus too.. Haha.. Pity Derrick for being ka cao-ed by them.. We actually took turns to disturb or jamming around him.. And finally he joined us too.. Haha.. I suppose you will laugh out loud if you saw that. XD After that, we had our lunch at Ipoh ( Chicken Rice and Hor Fan).

One of the famous chicken rice restaurant in Ipoh~

Tau Geh~~

The chicken~ Now only i realized many people like to eat chicken breast also.. And the main reason of course is bcoz breast don't have bone. =p

After few hours, we reached our destination- Sri Sayang Resort. So happy that we actually got the VIP, which is the biggest one among the others. Weeeeee~~~ Of coz we galsss hav the biggest room, which have our own private washroom =p..

Everyone is busy carrying their own luggage~

Haha.. Saw it?? Mattress and Utensils are charged! Even internet also RM5 per hour!! LOL

The B2 Leos~~ At lobby while waiting for the rooms to be prepared~

Nice view right? The baby blue beach is just right in front our eyes viewing from the window in our room.^^

Sunset~~ Love tis so much and i actually steal tis picha from others.. Hehe

We went for steamboat fellowship dinner with lions and leos at night. Hmmm.. Honestly, the food okay only coz the soup tasted like water @.@.. Lol.. but we do hav fun and have some photo shooting session afterward.

Too many of us and we have to sit separately.. Here's our table~ ^^

Waiting for group photo session~ =) Sometimes do feel like we are celebrities or stars when taking photos as you can see lots of camera in front of you and non-stop flash blinking here and there.. haha.. Here are some of the group picha.. ^^

Before leaving, we went Gurney drive and had some hawker food. It's a must when you travel to Penang. The food are not super awesome but nice.. haha.. And i like the atmosphere and environment pretty much.. Hmmm.. Though it's bit hot, it's our culture ^^ hehe, and i felt warm coz i went with Murnians during the graduation trip! Lots of memories pop in my mind out of sudden. I miss you guys so much la!! Looking forward the Christmas Trip =)

When all of us back to resort and showered ourselves, that's the night!! What will happen when the night is still young when there's a bunch of people under the same roof?? Haha.. Sounds a bit wrong.. Actually just some games and drinking session.. =p And the touching part was, all of us actually squeezed inside a small kitchen and prepared breakfast for the next morning. We actually used 8 rolls of bread to prepare the sandwiches? Hmmm.. i think so.. The empty fridge is fulled with plates of sandwiches.. =) Haha, we were like playing ' zu fan zai' .. Yeah!! I knew how to make tasty sandwiches edy! Ngek ngek.. Next time if i don't know how to cook oso no worries edy, i can make sandwiches for my hubby.. LOL..

Don't know why I'm so energetic that i actually played with them till 6 sth only slept. Haha.. monopoly deal, mahjong, chor dai di... Everyone had fun playing.. The funny and memorable part which i must noted down was I found some1 same with me!! Fan fan jie jie is so cute!! She was very sleepy but she afraid of sleeping alone in the room.. Haha.. sounds like me ehh.. The rainy night and the blowing winds was creepy.. Finally Elaine jie jie accompanied her and slept.. One by one, all went back to room and had their sweet slumber and left with few of us- Rui Ern, Nelson, Danny, Bryan, Marie and me. And the champion- 4 of us RE, Nel, Bryan and me stayed till 6 sth and slept in the living room.. I guess the TV was watching us bt not the other way round =p

It's Sunday morning which means that it's zap lap sap day!!!! Haha.. Everyone was actually crossing fingers crossed that it will rain. It rained!!! But not a heavy one.. So we have to go for beach cleaning also.. Haha.. Lazy us XD We walked to the Batu Ferrenghi beach and after grouping and briefing, it officially started. There's 5 groups and we actually made it as a competition. The group which collected the least rubbish will be punished by the winning team.

Weee~~~ Someone snap me while I'm picking up the rubbish.. So i shouldn't let the photographer down and must posted here.. Blek =p

Someone snap us again while we are walking back with our rubbish.. (face very thick leh) XD

Elaine and Frances.. The 2 Sou Posss~~ ^^

Our collections after 1 hour.. I do feel proud that we can actually collect so much rubbish as the beach is super duper CLEAN!! Maybe we should we Port Dickson next time.. LOL.. I think i will zap till cry!! Hahahaha

My group & our collection~ ^^

Group photo of our group- group 4 =)

The judges are spot check-ing.. ^^

Tadaa~~ The losing team have to do the pole dancing while Nelson will be the pole!! =p

Haha.. He looks happy huh?? =D

It looks like a rape or moles more than a pole dance.. LOL XD

Here's our Lion President- Lion Ian Wei's turn to experience as a pole ^^ Calvin is raping him la.. Hahahaha

LOL.. Tis one is so cute.. They look lovely.. =p

Sexy pole dancer~~ LOL

Another sexy one who showing his butt!! XD

Benneth even hugs like a koala bear!! Hahahaa

Yiiii??? Look professional huh? *shy shy

The losing team penalized by pole dancing and the winning team offered to play banana boat!! So funny when Derrick told me that playing banana boat it's more like a punishment for him.. Haha.. Group 1& 2 are both the winners! Though my group didn't win the competition, the lion is generous enough to treat all of us!!

We still getting wet though we din drop into the water =)

Finished playing lu~~~ And we are safe.. Calvin trying hard to make all of us falling into the water but he FAILS to do so.. Ngek ngek.. And he himself is the one who is falling at the end.. Hahaha.. Pity him..

Faster run away b4 calvin get to catch me and splashing water =p

RE: I want to play again!!!
Me : Come~~~ We go and take photo liao~~ =p

So sunny~~~ ^^

Group photo with Baba and Mama~~^^

Again~~ ^^

With all the leos from B1 and B2..

Group photo with leos from Georgetown Central before we left..

Suddenly miss Penang so much~~ Really had fun and enjoyed during the 2D1N trip!! When will the next trip be?? Where i can dump all my works aside and play crazily! Hehe.. you won't know how big the differences is.. A world which you focus on playing and a world focus on work ^^

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