Friday, November 26, 2010

Good ironing skill =p

Hahahahaha.. Wondering what is this?? Yea!! Bingo!! It's an iron shape =p This is the consequences for leaving the iron there and go fb-ing.. Yiiiiii.. Tot of switching on the power and let it heated up for a while, then only i start ironing de.. Who knows clever me go and facebook and forget bout it edy.. =p

Hehe.. The moment i realized was too late.. Hmmmm.. As what you saw, it's edy burned!! LOL.. I shud opened up the cloth which the green colour cloth is for ironing, and to place the iron.. It definitely won't burn!!! XD However, this is what i get bcoz of LAZY!!! =p

This is how it should be.. The green cloth on top of the blue one.. Hehe.. I bet my mummy will screw me if she knew it.. Of coz i didn't tell her la.. Enough of scolding for these days =( .. So, to avoid being the receiving end of rage and to protect myself, i planned not to tell her, till she find out one day.. Hopefully my maid won't go and ask her what's wrong with the cloth ba..=p *Omituofo

Hehe.. Let me placed the iron back to the 'criminal scene' and captured my stupidity. I really don't know why would I make this kind of mistake.. LOL.. Perhaps i have good ironing skill.. =p

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