Thursday, November 25, 2010

Return of Rapunzel!! ^^

Today was my English group presentation day, which means that it's the return of Rapunzel!! Why would i say so?? Hehe, ING definitely know why.. Rapunzel was our 1st sketch during English oral presentation in form 5.. Still remembered that we actually created the dialogue and memorized and presented on the same day..So last minute!!! Hahaha.. However, it was a great success!! Everyone had fun watching and Puan Aiza clapped + showing her thumb ^^

Since we missed it so much and i gt no idea what to present, so i choose Rapunzel as my group's topic again. My group praised ING's creativity and ideas too.. Hehe.. And of course same goes to my tutor- Mr Superam. He said that though it's bit short, we gt the idea and creativity. The best part was not because of his compliment, but his glowing cheek! We was so happy that we actually succeed in making him smiled and laughed!! He was so charming by showing his teeth! =p Bcoz he was so pissed with some group's outline and scolded the whole class b4 we started to present. Well, Rapunzel had succeed again!! *Clapssssssss *

In case there's the 3rd time in the future, i posted the dialogue here so that no need to rewrite it again.. Hehehehe.. Lazy bum huh! =p Here's the dialogue.. Tadaaaa~~~~

J - Rapunzel is a fairy tale which the princess has long hair.

J - One day, Rapunzel is singing in her towel.

Y- Aaaaaaaaaa ~~~~

J – The prince passes through the forest and heard Rapunzel singing. He attracted by her voice and followed the voice till he reached in front of the towel.

W – Oh~~ Oh my princess, you are so high up. How can I reach you?

Y – Oh my prince~~~ No… Not now… The witch is coming.. Please go..

J - [Tiok Tiok Tiok Tiok]

Y – [Shoo shoo]

W – [ Runs away]

J – Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair!

Y – [Let down her hair]

J – [Climbs up]

J – Rapunzel, I’m going to honeymoon with my hubby in KL for 1 week. So, you have to take care of yourself.

Y – What?? 1 week?? No!!!! How about my meal? You are in charging my 3 meals, how can you leave me?

J – Don’t worry my dear. Nah!! [Throws her a pack of Maggie and smiles] I have prepared for you.

Y – What? Maggie?? But.. How? I don’t know how to cook.

J- Just put in everything into hot water and waits for 3 minutes. That’s it.

Y – Ohhhhhh.. Okay..

J – [The witch left]

W- During that week, Rapunzel eats instant noodles for every day, every single meal.

J – One day, the prince come and finds Rapunzel again.

W – Oh my princess~~ How are you? I miss you so much.

Y – Awwww~~ I miss you too. [Letting down her hair] Please come up.

W – [Climbing]

J – The prince starts climbing up the hair but suddenly……

W – Ahhhhhhhhhhh… Dummmmmmm….

W – [Falls down and sit on the floor. Holding the hair, look at the hair and then look at Rapunzel]

W – Oh my princess, what’s wrong with your hair??

Y – [Crying]

Y – Wuhuhuhuhuhu.. I don’t know.. I ate too much of Maggie.

J – Rapunzel is very sad and embarrassing and she runs away.

TV TIME ( Act like a TV show)

Y – Hi, good morning. Welcome to Healthy Lifestyle channel. Today, we are going to talk about the correct way of cooking instant noodles.

W – Normally, we cook the instant noodles by putting the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for 3 minutes. However, this is a

3 of us together – No! No! [Head movement]

Y – By doing this, when we boil the ingredients in the powder, normally with MSG, it will change the molecular structures of the MSG, causing it to be toxic.

J – The other thing that you may or may not realized is that, the noodles are actually coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete the wax after you have taken the noodles.

Y – So now, let us teach you the correct way of cooking instant noodles.

W – Boils the noodles in a pot of hot water. Once the noodles is cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax.

Y – Boil another pot of water till boiling, and then put the noodles into the hot boiling water and then shut the fire.

J – Only at this stage when the fire is off, and while the water is very hot, put the ingredient with the powder into the water to make noodle soup.

3 of us together – Tadaa~~~~~~ Mmmmm…Yummy!

[ Back to TV]

Y – Thank you for watching. Have a nice day. Bye bye~~

W – Wait!!!! What about the witch?

J – [ Lie down on floor and died]

Y – The witch has died because of cancer as consuming too much of instant noodles.

J – As Rapunzel realized her hair falling and stop consuming and cooking instant noodles in the wrong way, her hair grows well again. Therefore, she lives happily and blissfully with the prince.

W & Y – Hug together and play with the hair.

~ The end ~ =D

Hehe.. Of course here's some photosss of the day before i end my post ^^ Too bad ING didn't get to capture any photo and record our video =( So this time ying bcome clever edy, know how to snap some photo as memory ^^

Later you will see a girl with the black scarf and pack of maggie. She is Joyce and she's the Witch!! And another girl with my handmade sword- made from ruler and scissors.. She's Wai Keng and she's the Prince!! What bout the one with a bowl of maggie??? hahaha.. Me!! Me!! Me!!! I'm Yee Yin, the princess Rapunzel... Hohohohoho.. This is bcoz i can sing like a frog to attract my prince =p hahaha.. Haiz.. duno why i oways do things that actually reduce my market value.. LOL

Joyce Me ♥ Wai Keng

The Witch, Princess Rapunzel and The Prince!!!

Hahaha.. ING see this!!! I just realised that we actually had the same position and same character in 2 diff picha!!!! Love you galssss so much la.. Muackssss!! <3>
Me and Joyce~ ^^ The assistant class rep and class rep

With Cecellia Photographer of our group.. Thankiew so muchhhh!! =)


  1. haha! omg!yin!
    that pic of jialin,you and tienchyng that one..
    all look so cute..
    and now all bcame mature ad. XD
    especially jialin.. HAHAHA!!XD

  2. hahahaha... tat time was 16 i think..
    now all dai gor lui jor..
    haiz.. goin to be 19 liao..
    old jor =(
    i dunwan!!!
    i wan pok pok chui!
